My advice, and I don't know if it's useful or not, is to get advice on the best flavourings to add. I also went to LTecigs for base and flavours. I dont think I've seen better value for the bases (nic, PG and VG) but their flavours I found pappy and lacking somewhat. I'm not sure who the manufacturer was, I'll look it up another time and tell you which I found crap. Same for their e-juice. A bit lacking in flavour. The capella I have found best atm...and have sourced that from a couple of places. Pretty much around the £3 a bottle mark, give or take a few p. So I am using Ltecigs bases and Capella flavours at the mo, with a couple of Lt flavours to use them up
No as I see it you have 2 options if you're serious...
Option 1 - Do a bit of a few reviews...get a bit bored...then jump in (Like i did) and order a shit load of flavours and some bases. Mix em up, vape, and find out what you like.
Option 2 - Do more research...proper research...ask a lot of mixers, get a better idea of the flavours you want to produce and, if you are very lucky, find someone kind enough to share a few recipes (People seem to be very closed mouthed about these, understandably so if they sell em!) and then look where you can source the ingredients cheaper.
Option 1 is more expensive and you end up with a box of crap you probs wont use. Option 2 is cheaper and you end up, generally with something more vapable, even if it takes a bit more internet study.
Option 1 is funnest...I advise that. But then Im not on a tight budget
The most important thing...something I have just worked out...WRITE DOWN ALLLLLLLL OF YOUR RECIPES! Even if you think you'll rememeber, you wont! That extra drop of flavour or EM might just make or break a liquid. I've now made 2 lovely juices I'm desperately trying to recreate but havent hit the mark exactly yet...all because i didn't write it down! So do it! Keep notes...its the only way to make it again
Hope this helps.
p.s. and steep...always always steep, even if it hurts to do it. I have yet to taste a liquid that wasnt better for 4 days sat in a cupboard or box. Very impt