I would say don't bother with Over the Top if you aren't fussed by cream types mate. Comino (for rebuildables - not so much with clearo's) or HeartShot may b more your bag. CeaseFire too but im very low in 12mg ATM
was looking at afro dizziac.. cant seem to find red A on Plumeblu at the moment .
red lady by kraken may be another one along with above mentioned dire wolf bite... but i feel im stuck in a rut with these damn fruit/menthol/anise juices
Works in clearos
Am i unbanned from your shop yet
I have been drawn in by licorice flavours, subtly different from the aniseed with a much warmer flavour and less acidic. Colonel Booms Blackpowder is a staple of mine, and I recently tried Mr Kraken's Ripper which was nice. At a recent meet I had the opportunity to try Black Ninja by Vandyke Vapes, which is apparently a black cherry and aniseed mix, but tastes exactly like blackjack sweets, and the nice man gave me a freebie so I'm enjoying vaping that one as we speak
Vandyke vapes? Not tried any of those. Will have to give em a try....