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Aga-t2 what have i done wrong


In my experience, and I have recoiled and recoiled !!! literally.

Its the mod that lets you get the shorts and hotspots out. The burnt taste is caused ONLY by the coil glowing red. Thats because your wick is not wicking sufficiently for the POWER your mod is putting to it.

SO a poor wick could wick great if only a small power setting is used? By power setting I mean WATTS!!!! not volts

Power is to do with ohms law http://www.rapidtables.com/calc/electric/ohms-law-calculator.htm
So you gotta know your resistance of your coil, then start at around 7 watts power.
So if you got 1.8ohm coil you need 3.5 volts.

Now if you got a VV mod then great - if not you need to test your battery or rather measure the voltage at the 501 connector. Say its 3.9 volts then on the 1.8ohm coil that gives you 8.45 WATTS.

Sorry if this just confuses the issue but believe me you will come back to this stuff, so bookmark the ohms law calculator and get a small multimeter from eBay (£5 - £100) - u gonna need it.

BTW here's a shot of my AGA-T2 with a dual silica wick 2mm & 1mm with a 1.7 ohm coil. The sweeter juices are just heavenly.


I did this with the help of this link at UKV

Hope this helps
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