eyeball kid
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Always good to have some more real life experiences buddy. Will help to build a long term picture. I sent a selection of juices to catalent last week for sugar profile testing. I haven't had the final results back yet but I've had the verbal confirmation of" Hell yes" we've found sugar in these. Hoping to get them to do a little testing against current data on transmucosul sugar transfer (a fancy name for can sugar pass via the lungs to the bloodstream and how effectively).@eyeball kid , @Rob . I am type 1 diabetic for almost 39 years now loads of diabetes related problems no vape related issues but some caused through 27 years of smoking. Anyway i am almost 3 years in as a vaper now and i am on an insulin pump. During the 3 years of vaping and most of those sub ohm mostly 70 plus% vg liquids i have not noticed any problems with changes in blood sugar readings.
Lets just look at it this way. 10 grams of carbohydrate will alter blood sugar by 3 mmol non diabetics blood sugar is around 4.5mmol and upto 7mmol after eating before the insulin starts to kick in and break down and convert the carbs.
So first MTL vaping i will use 50ml a week dunno if people who mtl use that much a week probably less but anyway the amount of sugars in 50ml will be a small amount, so small it won't make any difference i doubt it would increase average blood sugar by even 0.1 mmol a day.
Sub ohm with high vg really doesn't alter my blood sugar by much again maybe 0.1 mmol a day by the look of my HBA1C test (average blood sugar over 3 months).
I can't really be sure of any difference to people with type 2 diabetes as it is a different ball park to be fair but if you have concerns try writing down how much you vape a day in mls and what you eat. test blood sugar every hour you are awake then do the same next day eat exactly the same amount of carbs but eat exactly the same foods as you ate the previous day except miss out a 10 grams of carbs somewhere, ie eat 1 buscuit instead of 2 or do not drink any tea or coffee the milk contains carbs so stick to water and test blood sugar hourly. You will then have 2 days results to compare which should answer the question of wether vaping increases your blood sugar oh and avoid alcohol as it also affects blood sugar drastically for some diabetics more so type 1 as it can react with insulin and cause low sugar, or you might get a higher blood sugar due to the sugar that isn't converted to alcohol.
Hope this is helpful. i am not a expert but had to go on a course before i went on the insulin pump and learned quite a lot i never knew before part of which was how to look for changes in blood sugar caused by stuff like different meds, foods etc
By no means is this to point a finger, just an out of intrest test. Also at this meagre level it will hold no water but may be interesting.
Thanks crusty.