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always wished the kayfun had a glass tank?

These guys seem on point when it comes to new stuff,gonna have to bookmark them.
Maaan my threads always get moved. I put them in general chat for a reason, so that more people see them. And it is general chat isn't it? .. big benson how's the family? Lol :P
Its all good in my hood,will be better when i get the worlds smallest mech though.
well now it does!!!
stay tuned, looks like these will drop very soon!!!!!!! shmovapes

I was glad mine had the plastic tank yesterday, knocked it off the table onto a laminate floor, juice everywhere, bits everywhere!

Couldn't believe it when I gathered everything back up, nothing broken! Plastic bounces better than glass I guess.

Thanks for the link though, will be good to have at least one with a glass tank for juices that crack!
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