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an ode to the tsunami 24.


Jun 2, 2016
Ohhh, she'll be pissing out the air holes when she squonks ,(when she squonks).
She'll be pissing out the the air holes when she squonks ,(when she squonks).
She'll be pissing out the air holes, she'll be pissing out the air holes,
She'll be pissing out the air holes when she squonks,("toot toot").

Dont squonk the fecker so bloody much
Pull ur coils up and back a touch
No cotton near the airholes
All bottom air ones are assholes
Doesnt need a good old squidge as such
There are better squonking drippers so I've heard
Squonking bottom airflow drippers sounds absurd
There are better squonking drippers,
Don't listen to Rip Trippers,
And don't listen to me, I'm no squonking nerd*

(Sorry, I don't Squonk, I just wanted to join in the song!)
Be gentle with that thumb,
Or you'll get a leak around that butt!
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