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Another Virgin to Vaping here


New Member
Feb 20, 2014
Hey all...smoker here trying to quit that nasty habit. These e-cig mods seem like the way to go according to friends. Too many questions that need to be answered
Hi baw68.

Good luck giving up the cigarettes. This is my third attempt giving up with e-cigs over the last few years. I now think I've cracked it, now I have several juices that I absolutely love.

There appears to be no question that cannot be answered here, I have learnt so much. The guys on this forum are great.
Hello and welcome baw68, there's lots of info on here and people happy to help answer questions!
hiya your deffo on the right track i was smoking near 20 nasty cigs a day and now not touching any cigs just vaping,and i would have never thought id have stopped smoking for taking up vaping but how wrong was i and so glad i was :)
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