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Anti smoking news article in my local rag

The commenter 'Winchester' clearly didn't read your comment about taxation and NHS funding because he says now he has quit the fags he needs to use what he saves to 'pay back' the cost to the NHS of treating his self inflicted illness. Amazing how much ignorance is out there.
People as small minded as Winchester on that article are the problem with todays society.

Addiction is not always self inflicted. at 12 years old I didnt KNOW I could die or get addicted to cigarettes and the only thing I was ever told was dont do it!
People as small minded as Winchester on that article are the problem with todays society.

Addiction is not always self inflicted. at 12 years old I didnt KNOW I could die or get addicted to cigarettes and the only thing I was ever told was dont do it!
My parents always said they didn't know they were dangerous when they started in the 50s but in truth it was known when I started in the 70s. Problem was everyone still smoked. Parents, grand parents, teachers, everyone around me, maybe 70/80% of them. So in my little teenage head wanting to look grown up and be like my mates thought well it can't be that bad can it or everyone would just stop. Still had TV ads, cinema ads, newspapers , magazines all showing glam models or superstars celebs looking cool, Marlboro man et al. It was still the norm to smoke.
That website puts the comments in the wrong order. Winchester is petty small minded & against everything, but actually he was the 1st to post (not that I want to defend him), so he hasnt read any of the comments. My comment is the newest 1 (right now) the moderated 1 underneath was my same comment but with the word fag instead of cig!
My old man always said smoking would stunt my growth.....im just over 6'3"......thank god I smoked or I would have been a basketball player...:grin2:
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