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Ares 2 coils last only 1 day


Jan 17, 2021
BI bought Ares 2 because it is easy to make coils for it. I use kanthal 26 GA wire, bacon or titanium fiber cotton, i do 5-6 spirals with a coil on 0.7-0.8Ω and cheesecake e-juice and i vape it at 18 Watts. The coils only last for a day. Then I get dry hits or the coils is burned completely. I have seen many videos and tried lots of different ways to make coils like adding less or more cotton but i can't get it to work. Any advice?
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BI bought Ares 2 because it is easy to make coils for it. I use kanthal 26 GA wire, bacon or titanium fiber cotton, i do 5-6 spirals with a coil on 0.7-0.8Ω and cheesecake e-juice and i vape it at 18 Watts. The coils only last for a day. Then I get dry hits or the coils is burned completely. I have seen many videos and tried lots of different ways to make coils like adding less or more cotton but i can't get it to work. Any advice?
Not sure if anyone else will agree, but my experience with KA1 says that coils do gunk up pretty quick with sweet juices. My preferred coil material is Ni80, seems to last well without gunking much.

With rebuildable coils you don't need to chuck the wire when it gunks up, just dry burn the coil without a wick in it, brush off the dust and rewick. If you are getting dry hits it may be because you have too much cotton stuffed in the coil or in the wick ports of your RTA. I don't have an ares but I am sure there will be wicking guides on youtube to help you.

Hi and welcome also :D
Sounds like you are using too much cotton when wicking. Too much cotton will mean not enough liquid can get into the cotton and will give a dry hit and if the cotton is dry then when you fire the coil the cotton will burn.
Brush the coil to get off any gunk and re-wick, use a bit less cotton this time and don't pack the wells too tightly and see what happens.
I'm using the same tank at the moment and I'm re-wicking it pretty much every other day, I know it's because the juice is too sweet for the little coils but I like it so just have to accept the consequences and have a fiddle every other night :)
I'm using the same tank at the moment and I'm re-wicking it pretty much every other day, I know it's because the juice is too sweet for the little coils but I like it so just have to accept the consequences and have a fiddle every other night :)
Most of my stuff gets re-wicked about as often as that, I like nice fresh cotton.
Thank you all for your answers. I just don't want to be rewicking every day but once a week or so. I used to build coils for Ares 1 and it used to last for a week at least. And i don't think my flavour is that sweet but still they get burned so easily. I have watched many videos on how to wick it but i still get the same results. I even tried less cotton but it didn't work. Anything other that I might haven't tried yet?
What's the VG/PG ratio of the liquid you are using? How often are you vaping? Which under coil airflow setting do you have it on?
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