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Aromamizer v1 Dual Chimney Coil Build


Nov 15, 2014
ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes Forum1491858215.047541.jpg

Ni80 24gauge 10 wraps 2.4mm ID, 38w power mode

Vapes real nice, great high notes on the flavour compared to a similar build with vertical alien coils wicked internally.

Think this build is better, although slightly more fiddly to wick.

Nothing new, been done before but maybe ofinterest to browsers of this board :)
The wick on this touches the chimney wall which absorbs the condensate build up in the chamber which is not what one wants. Smaller coils required for this method of wicking. It was fun while it lasted :)
The air can't get to the coils either, which might be a little problematic, I imagine. I often use verticals in it but wick it inside the coils. Works a treat.
The air can't get to the coils either, which might be a little problematic, I imagine. I often use verticals in it but wick it inside the coils. Works a treat.

It vaped surprisingly well all faults considered but I've changed it tonight to what I usually do which is also what you do lol. I was looking for your thread earlier in mixology about saline as an additive I wondered how you got on and whether it might solve the dry mouth conundrum one gets from vaping whilst being dehydrated? I leafed through many pages but couldn't find it and search rarely works on my iPad
I was looking for your thread earlier in mixology about saline as an additive I wondered how you got on and whether it might solve the dry mouth conundrum one gets from vaping whilst being dehydrated? I leafed through many pages but couldn't find it and search rarely works on my iPad
Ha, yeah that saline was just for Charlie Noble's PB cereal, where it did make a difference to the taste compared to the same juice without saline but I have no idea if it would help dry mouth I'm afraid. Really brought out the peanut butter though. :D
Ha, yeah that saline was just for Charlie Noble's PB cereal, where it did make a difference to the taste compared to the same juice without saline but I have no idea if it would help dry mouth I'm afraid. Really brought out the peanut butter though. :D


I had a few sherbets Friday night and I was grafting away on Saturday and vaping was not pleasant
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