So I received the replacement unit a couple of days ago, washed it all out and put it together with a pair of juggernauts reading 0.126 ohms. Dry fired to get the hot spots out, no error message, so far so good. Wicked and primed it, still no error message, starting to get my hopes up. Screwed the tank section on, filled er up with some of Prime Vapes finest, and hit fire.
"Ohms too low!"
Properly gutted. The chances of receiving a second defective unit in a row are slim to none. So part of me thinks it must be the mod, but if that's the case, then why am I able to use the other tanks without any issues. Alternatively, if it was the build, then it would come up with the error from the outset.
The only thing that's left is the tank section; it's fine when I start to screw it on, but once it hits around the 3/4 mark, that's when it misbehaves. If it was a short, I would have thought it would pop up with the "Atomiser short" error. I've checked the coil placing and height from every angle, and I can't see where it would be coming into contact with the posts or the chimney.
Watched a bunch of YT videos incase I was missing something obvious, and even did some generic searches for this error on this tank and/or mod, but nae luck. Looks like i'm back to square one!
"Ohms too low!"
Properly gutted. The chances of receiving a second defective unit in a row are slim to none. So part of me thinks it must be the mod, but if that's the case, then why am I able to use the other tanks without any issues. Alternatively, if it was the build, then it would come up with the error from the outset.
The only thing that's left is the tank section; it's fine when I start to screw it on, but once it hits around the 3/4 mark, that's when it misbehaves. If it was a short, I would have thought it would pop up with the "Atomiser short" error. I've checked the coil placing and height from every angle, and I can't see where it would be coming into contact with the posts or the chimney.
Watched a bunch of YT videos incase I was missing something obvious, and even did some generic searches for this error on this tank and/or mod, but nae luck. Looks like i'm back to square one!