I haven't exactly been 'banned' from anywhere yet, but have had a few angry passers by...
Most people find it a great idea, and I have had a few questions about itbut there are the odd few who have a go.
The main example, is one that occurred a couple of weeks back. Stood on the train platform (after asking the rail staff about using it, they said it was fine) -VERY important part of the story that.
I'd been using it for about 2 minutes, whilst two people stood next to me, both with lit rollies. Bare in mind, they were stood RIGHT next to the no smoking sign. So, i continue with the vaping...
Then, once they'd both got onto a train, a guy walks up and says "Oi, you're not meant to be smoking here!"... He was stood watching the two with rollies, and didn't approach them! (Also, I am only 18 and not a 'menacing' looking chap! so could explain it!)
I then did the usual reply "I have asked the rail staff, as well as the rail police. All it is, is an electronic nicotine inhaler"
He then went off on one, explaining how I was still exhaling 'harmful toxins' into the air.
So, I turned into defensive mode (I hate to say), and asked how good his chemistry was, and through trying to big himself up, he said he was great.
I then explained the basic components of e-liquid. <acronym title="Propylene Glycol">PG</acronym>, <acronym title="Vegetable Glycerine/Glycerin/Glycerol">VG</acronym>, Nicotine liquid, and flavouring. I then explained how when I inhale, It's around 0.18mg... If that (Was using a cheap '10 puff to cig')
Nope, he wouldn't have it, saying that I was still exhaling Nicotine into the enviroment.
At this point, I was getting kind of annoyed. He had come over, whilst I was on my own instead of when there were two people OBVIOUSLY smoking, and had a go at me for doing something that I had permission to do.
At this point, a member of the rail staff came into view. So, I said politely "I don't mind moving somewhere else sir if it angers you, however, I will make it present that the member of rail staff over there *I glanced over at this point*, has been there for some time. If you would like to ask him, feel free"
At this point, he just walked off without saying a word.