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Banned From Vaping?

As above its the tar thats the problem..

As an easy example when I smoked in my car the head liner would become brown with tar ... yes I know yuck but that's the the way it was. I have been vaping in my car for over a year the head liner is as good as new no tar no 'orrible smells in fact I don't even need air fresheners any more as it smells of what ever I was last vaping :) bonus

Need I say this is just the same old crap regurgitated ?
interesting thread...
i suspect most long term smokers turned vapers are quite happy to go outside as they've been programmed to do for years.
maybe newer vapers are more likely to push the barriers..
although my wife quite likes pushing barriers and i find myself trying to disuade her from blowing clouds everywhere in case we damage the vaping cause,which she has no real knowledge of.

Indoors we do shut doors and open windows...again cos we're pre programmed but mainly cos we've got three african greys who could be sensitive to any unknown's.
Ok lets break this down then...

Relates to tar primarily, none of which is in vapour.

Again, Tar. No risk from vapour which is devoid of the harmful parts of smoking.

Back again to tar - now the 4000 chemicals are also introduced - none of which are in vapour. This post will repeat itself rather a lot i'm afraid as scientifically and medically it is accepted that tar + chemicals are the issues with smoking and nicotine is just a stimulant drug with minimal side effects to the user.

My guess is you can tell what this points to - it isn't nicotine itself as we ingest this in a lot of our food which would otherwise be banned.

Brought in to stop people having to breathe in our tar...

Youve kinda twisted it......that was a link for anthonyb to show the risks of passive smoking in tobacco....not e-cig juice, I can understand you defending it as your a vendor & it concerns future sales for you.
Like ive already said....we know what chemicals we're putting in e-juice & we eat them all the time with no ill effects....but when you heat some of those chemicals to high temps it can change their chemical composition....until tests are done I'd prefer to see vaping have the same restrictions as tobacco smoking.
Im not on about regulating the sale of anything, we should be allowed to buy nicotine & related vaping stuff, we should be allowed to do what we want & its up to us what we put in our bodies.
interesting thread...
i suspect most long term smokers turned vapers are quite happy to go outside as they've been programmed to do for years.
maybe newer vapers are more likely to push the barriers..
although my wife quite likes pushing barriers and i find myself trying to disuade her from blowing clouds everywhere in case we damage the vaping cause,which she has no real knowledge of.

Indoors we do shut doors and open windows...again cos we're pre programmed but mainly cos we've got three african greys who could be sensitive to any unknown's.

Couldnt agree more & thats also the point im trying to make here......we just dont know, along with my daughter I have madagascan leaf tailed geckos in the room & I dont want them to be affected either ;-)
Youve kinda twisted it......that was a link for anthonyb to show the risks of passive smoking in tobacco....not e-cig juice, I can understand you defending it as your a vendor & it concerns future sales for you.
Like ive already said....we know what chemicals we're putting in e-juice & we eat them all the time with no ill effects....but when you heat some of those chemicals to high temps it can change their chemical composition....until tests are done I'd prefer to see vaping have the same restrictions as tobacco smoking.
Im not on about regulating the sale of anything, we should be allowed to buy nicotine & related vaping stuff, we should be allowed to do what we want & its up to us what we put in our bodies.

Have you read any of the tests / reports that have been done on vaping / ecigs etc?

Some Dr's are self-funding these and disclosing the results. Makes for interesting reading.

Gonloopy could you add a few of the Dr F reports to this thread so new vapers can see for themselves?

Mark didnt Katherine recently release one? Could you be a darling and put that thread in here too?

I recommend reading them, then make an informed decision as to whether you want to vape / continue to post in this thread.
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Have you read any of the tests / reports that have been done on vaping / ecigs etc?

Some Dr's are self-funding these and disclosing the results. Makes for interesting reading.

@Gonloopy could you add a few of the Dr F reports to this thread so new vapers can see for themselves?

@Mark didnt Katherine recently release one? Could you be a darling and put that thread in here too?

I recommend reading them, then make an informed decision as to whether you want to vape / continue to post in this thread.

Why would that have any bearing on why i should continue to vape or not ??.....like ive just said it my choice as to what i put in my body regardless of what it is.....if i was that concerned about my own health I wouldnt do it would i.....Im more concerned about the health & welfare of my child, wife, pets & other people around me!
I cant understand why it would also stop me posting in this thread?....this is a forum & im invloved in a healthy conversation with other members....isnt that what forums are for?......the fact that some people are reading my posts the wrong way (probubaly because typed text has no context to it) is neither here nor there :-/

I would like to read those reports, esp if they are conducted & written by qualified lab technicians.
Why would that have any bearing on why i should continue to vape or not ??.....like ive just said it my choice as to what i put in my body regardless of what it is.....if i was that concerned about my own health I wouldnt do it would i.....Im more concerned about the health & welfare of my child, wife, pets & other people around me!
I cant understand why it would also stop me posting in this thread?....this is a forum & im invloved in a healthy conversation with other members....isnt that what forums are for?......the fact that some people are reading my posts the wrong way (probubaly because typed text has no context to it) is neither here nor there :-/

I would like to read those reports, esp if they are conducted & written by qualified lab technicians.

The reports will be added, just bear in mind the mods / admin work so it may not be added til later.

I agree typed text doesnt always come across well. So i will be blunt.

I assume you dont drive or be anywhere near vehicles / factories / eat meat / fruit / veg or drink any thing produced by anyone? I also assume you are protecting your family from that too?

As much as it would be great to live in a clean bubble we cant.

The world is fucked due to things our relatives have done over centuries. We cant change it, we have to deal with it.
The reports will be added, just bear in mind the mods / admin work so it may not be added til later.

I agree typed text doesnt always come across well. So i will be blunt.

I assume you dont drive or be anywhere near vehicles / factories / eat meat / fruit / veg or drink any thing produced by anyone? I also assume you are protecting your family from that too?

As much as it would be great to live in a clean bubble we cant.

The world is fucked due to things our relatives have done over centuries. We cant change it, we have to deal with it.

LOL....now your bringing everything else considered hazardous into the conversation......if we do that we'll be here all year.....any chance we can just stick to the subject of vaping in public places ;)
Youve kinda twisted it......that was a link for anthonyb to show the risks of passive smoking in tobacco....not e-cig juice, I can understand you defending it as your a vendor & it concerns future sales for you.
Like ive already said....we know what chemicals we're putting in e-juice & we eat them all the time with no ill effects....but when you heat some of those chemicals to high temps it can change their chemical composition....until tests are done I'd prefer to see vaping have the same restrictions as tobacco smoking.
Im not on about regulating the sale of anything, we should be allowed to buy nicotine & related vaping stuff, we should be allowed to do what we want & its up to us what we put in our bodies.

I don't think it is twisted at all really. Your whole take on why vaping ought to be banned in public places hinges on many things you are believing to be fact which scientifically hold no water and are disproved. You linked the reason for the smoking ban to add weight to your argument but say it is twisting it if I can refute every aspect as being relevant to vaping.

There are changes to chemical compounds when heated to high temperatures (see Diacetyl - Colonel Booms Bang Bang Juice - UK E-Liquid) but these have now all been tested. The ONLY dangers thus far have been Diacetyl and related compounds and only catalyse at high temperatures - not typical vaping temps)

Fair enough if you do not want to vape in public for various reasons, I get that. However by thinking it is a good idea for a ban in place based on science that relates to an entirely different set of chemicals and processes is wrong. Kind of like saying that all meat should be banned because passive smoking is linked with death and some meat is smoked.

LOL....now your bringing everything else considered hazardous into the conversation......if we do that we'll be here all year.....any chance we can just stick to the subject of vaping in public places

Also though, this is relevant. We are surrounded by way more risky inhalants than vaping already, if you say vaping should be banned based on the risk of a little nicotine then surely factoring in vehicles and industry, smoke from the pub kitchens and even left over chemicals on workmen uniforms would also be as wise (as vapour has been found to be low risk first hand, even lower risk secondhand the other factors are higher concern?)
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For information the SEARCH box is a wonderful thing try it these questions have been asked discussed many times.

Or as an alternative go to the FORUM menu at the top of the page then under ECIG Discussions look for IN THE NEWS again loads of information if you are looking.

:28: " feeling grumpy today "
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