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BATTS AND AMPS ??!!? and avatars

okay okay

I went to a shop this morning and talked to someone with a quad parallel diy mech box. He has efest batts and apparently they're powerful? I didn't get a good enough look or remember to ask which ones he had but they seemed a lot bigger than my current ones... This has made me question my choice in batts...

The more volts I have the better my amperage limits are, correct? So if I decide to do a parallel (which is what everyone is recommending and seems most logical) I'd like to have more volts than what 1 25r gives me..

or is that asking too much?

please pardon my perfectionism on this :p

I wouldn't trust Efests either :D

All there batteries are rewraps of others (sometimes decent) batteries, the fact that there rewraps means that you never quite know what your getting
Do the homework chap. You're well off the mark. If i explain it you'll never learn it.

I'm sorry I'm trying to understand? Do you have any sources I can look at? I've tried to find information and that's why I'm here

No need to try to offend me ... I'm mere here just to learn
I'm sorry I'm trying to understand? Do you have any sources I can look at? I've tried to find information and that's why I'm here

No need to try to offend me ... I'm mere here just to learn

How am i trying to offend you? ? Your other thread shows you're not the greatest at taking advice so you need to buckle down and learn for yourself whats what. Please don't play the victim after dismissing all the good advice you've already been given and the warnings you've been served.

Its not that hard to find the info, one search of POTV lead me to this.


Pretty sure google has a lot of similer pages on there too. You're not trying to learn, you're asking what you should do - very different.

My last response (as is this) was polite.
Enjoy your reading/ignoring, whichever you find easier.
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