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Beast V8T8 Coils Tasting Burnt


Jan 25, 2018

I'm new to vaping, and I have already purchased both the Smok Alien, and now the Smok Procolor with the Beast tank. My partner and I both smoke at around 60 watt.

We're having an issue where every liquid is either tasting burnt, or there is no flavor at all, I don't really know where I'm going wrong, as I've made sure that the coils are primed, and I've been stepping the wattage up slowly.

There's a guy that says I should buy a new mod, someone else says new tank, I'm out of ideas. We went from the "I Love VG" liquid to the "Keep it 100" and "Malaysian Candy" premium liquids, they taste great, then after a couple of vapes, looses tastes.

Any recommendations? or should I get a new tank?

I've already tried poking holes in the cotton, and this coil has lasted longer, but I still need to vape without firing to get flavor through.

I think those are quite sweet liquids which will be bad for coils longevity in general.
Sometimes I found with that tank though that if you keep using it for a while the taste will improve again.
Ultimately you would be best getting another tank to replace the tfv8 as the smok coils are not reliable. It's possible that the coils you have are just from a low quality batch.
Simple answer first,if it's a brand new kit check the wattage for the ''fitted'' coil.My Alien came with 2 coils (one fitted) each one had a different size of wire (0.4ohm & 0.15ohm,i believe).The 0.4 was already fitted.There would be a big difference between the two.
Sorry if your already have the correct wattage dialled into your device.
I think those are quite sweet liquids which will be bad for coils longevity in general.
Sometimes I found with that tank though that if you keep using it for a while the taste will improve again.
Ultimately you would be best getting another tank to replace the tfv8 as the smok coils are not reliable. It's possible that the coils you have are just from a low quality batch.

See, the thing is, it's the wife and I that vape it. And with the two of us going at it all day, it's essentially Chainsmoking. We're pretty sure it cries in the corner at night when it's charging, but oddly, we were doing the same thing with the "I Love VG" liquid and got around 3,500 puffs at 65w.

Tried some new ones also, but even from new, priming properly, after about 50 vapes starts tasting either flavorless or burnt again.

I've poked some holes in my T8 coil for now. The new and in my opinion better liquid i'm using now is 70vg 30pg.

What tank would you recommend?, I've just went off and bought some Q4's to see how that goes.

The cape shop owner should know better. There's NO stock coil sub ohm tank that can handle very high vg liquids. Add to that the sugar or sweetener content and if you actually get any vape from those coils they won't last long.
Try a lower vg liquid next time and you should have more luck.
Using it constantly willngive you a burnt flavour quicker, when i used those coils i was usually betweem 30 and 35w and got around 2 weeks from a t8. I used to get them from quick vape, 11.99 for a 5 pack im sure. Had the occasional dud but they were the most reliable site i used. If there's 2 of ypu passing it between you it will kill the cotton a lot quicker with constant use.
See, the thing is, it's the wife and I that vape it. And with the two of us going at it all day, it's essentially Chainsmoking. We're pretty sure it cries in the corner at night when it's charging, but oddly, we were doing the same thing with the "I Love VG" liquid and got around 3,500 puffs at 65w.

Tried some new ones also, but even from new, priming properly, after about 50 vapes starts tasting either flavorless or burnt again.

I've poked some holes in my T8 coil for now. The new and in my opinion better liquid i'm using now is 70vg 30pg.

What tank would you recommend?, I've just went off and bought some Q4's to see how that goes.


The Q4's give a great flavour but still don't last long.

Buying a new tank or mod won't solve it if you are using stock prebuilt coils, I had the same issues when I moved up to higher VG juices, stock coils were awful and didn't last, did the same as you, poked holes in which helped a little, I was told it's 'Smok are crap get a proper tank like the Aspire Cleito so I bought one, same damn issues, coils lasting days and the dreaded dry hits and flavour loss.

I solved my problem with changing to RBA's (ReBuildable Atomizer) for all my Smok Tanks (except the Baby Beast which I hardly use).

I no longer buy any stock coils, I no longer get dry hits and the coils last ages.
I also save a fortune compared to the stock coils, I invested in my own coilmaster kit so make my own coils but there are cheaper ways or buy ready made coil wraps and I bought a pack of cotton bacon for wicking which was a massive £2.80 and I am still on my first pack 2 months + on (half way through it).

It sounds daunting at first but I was relieved just how easy it is to do, plenty of tutorials on YouTube and advice on here.

Either that or stick to the thinner juices.
Ahhh, that distinctive Smok taste, nothing quite like it :)

RBA is the way forward if you like your juice on the thick side.
The Q4's give a great flavour but still don't last long.

Buying a new tank or mod won't solve it if you are using stock prebuilt coils, I had the same issues when I moved up to higher VG juices, stock coils were awful and didn't last, did the same as you, poked holes in which helped a little, I was told it's 'Smok are crap get a proper tank like the Aspire Cleito so I bought one, same damn issues, coils lasting days and the dreaded dry hits and flavour loss.

I solved my problem with changing to RBA's (ReBuildable Atomizer) for all my Smok Tanks (except the Baby Beast which I hardly use).

I no longer buy any stock coils, I no longer get dry hits and the coils last ages.
I also save a fortune compared to the stock coils, I invested in my own coilmaster kit so make my own coils but there are cheaper ways or buy ready made coil wraps and I bought a pack of cotton bacon for wicking which was a massive £2.80 and I am still on my first pack 2 months + on (half way through it).

It sounds daunting at first but I was relieved just how easy it is to do, plenty of tutorials on YouTube and advice on here.

Either that or stick to the thinner juices.

Thanks for that!, I've been told about this before, but is something I'm now definitely going to look into.

Thanks for your help :)
I mainly stick to rdas now, I've got the coil master kit too. Before I bought any rdas i thought it looked like too much hassle but I enjoy building them and fitting them.
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