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Beast V8T8 Coils Tasting Burnt

And also the amount of money that goes into my vaping, we all end up buying beefy tanks that produce more and more clouds, for what? To be descrete about it?, To vape at home?, Nah... fuck that, I want people to see the clouds, thats why I bought it in the first place.

You bought it because you want people to see your huge clouds? That's ... pathetic.

As I mentioned in my other post, if you want vape at mega-watts, then try a 3 battery mod, so the you're not stressing 2 batteries quite so much. 40A is bollocks. It isn't that difficult to find somewhere a little away from people or wait to vape until you're somewhere less busy. My local Tesco is always crazy busy, walk 30 seconds around the corner of the building, there's a bike rack and not a person in sight. It ain't that hard.

And no, we don't all go for big beefy tanks. They cost a fortune in juice and coils, as you're no doubt finding out, and a lot of people don't want to walk through your fog. Especially non-vapers.
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You bought it because you want people to see your huge clouds? That's ... pathetic.

As I mentioned in my other post, if you want vape at mega-watts, then try a 3 battery mod, so the you're not stressing 2 batteries quite so much. 40A is bollocks. It isn't that difficult to find somewhere a little away from people or wait to vape until you're somewhere less busy. My local Tesco is always crazy busy, walk 30 seconds around the corner of the building, there's a bike rack and not a person in sight. It ain't that hard.
No, I upgraded my Baby beast, to the TFV8.

I bought my mod, to cut down on smoking, which HAS actually worked, I'm smoking about 3-4 a day, which is a record for me. But when I'm putting money into vaping, of course, I want big clouds.

I agree, I should have went round the corner. But this tesco has a unique setup with stalls, ect outside.

Im not blowing it in peoples faces, but at the same time I cant control the wind direction, you know?
For the original question, are the coils from the same pack? Sometimes there are bad batches when all else fails.

Reading further, I vape at both low and high power, I tend to use my lower powered and less cloudy set ups for when I go out. If I do use something more powerful, I make sure I am away from others and the vapour is blowing another way.

With 2 18650's, at 160W you could be drawing over 28A. As suggested a triple 18650 mod would be good if you like vaping that high. You could use some LG HB6's but these are low capacity.

EDIT: Just realised it is the alien. As it has a low cutoff the amps drawn will be even higher.
No, I upgraded my Baby beast, to the TFV8.

I bought my mod, to cut down on smoking, which HAS actually worked, I'm smoking about 3-4 a day, which is a record for me. But when I'm putting money into vaping, of course, I want big clouds.

I agree, I should have went round the corner. But this tesco has a unique setup with stalls, ect outside.

Im not blowing it in peoples faces, but at the same time I cant control the wind direction, you know?
the idea to vape is to give up the cigs. yes there are a few who dual fuel but if you really want to give up then you need a mouth to lung kit at 10-14watts with higher nicotine for out and about. then blow clouds at home.
seeing so many people starting on 200w+ kits is just a bad advertisment and just gives the anti vaping brigade amunition agains us.
even though you are down to 3 or 4 cigs your lungs will still be classed as a smoker and reports are saying that just 1 cig is as bad as 20 cigs a day. to detox your lungs you need to kick the last few but with low nicotine that will not happen.

were not having a dig but weve all been there and got the tee shirt and a few people need that initial push to kick the last few cigs.
if i could do it after a 37 year bad habit and it will be 3 years next week for me then its dooable.
Been cig free for 3 weeks. Took me a week to work out how to use vape. You just have to vape everytime you want a cig. I smoked 40 roll ups a day for 20 years. Didn't have any cravings for cigs when I worked out how to use vape. You need to get the right kit for you and nicotine level. I got the highest and one below it. I paid a quid for my juice. So I didn't feel I was wasting money because I only paid a quid. But I can't believe I've not smoked for 3 weeks. Hubbys doing it too. Which really helps me too. We're both in it together. I quit before for 6 months. Hubby was still smoking. Something stressful happened and the cigs were just there. but the cig aren't there this time..so that really helps. I also feel so much better.
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