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Best black 18350 mech


Jun 2, 2014
Hi guys.

Been reading up for ages on mechanical mods and safety advice and proper battery usage.

I really like the look of a black plume veil rda so would like a solid 18350 mod to accompany it. Can anyone give any recommendations / advice?

I'd like to try a little sub ohming as well and I am aware 18350s are only suitable at about 0.9 is this right?

Also would like any stories of people sub ohming with a kayfun lite which is my everyday Vape. I'm running at about 1.3 at the minute which is as low as my vamo will go.

Any other advice is much appreciated as always with POTV!


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A kayfun won't take sub ohm well. It just doesn't wick fast enough. You'll need an RDA really or an Atty that's fast wicking. I would also steer clear of 18350 as they cant take really low resistance and will run out too fast.
Thanks a lot for the reply. I will probably use the black plume veil rda as my sub ohm experimentation then and stick with what I Vape now on the kayfun with my vamo.

Any other recommendations on black rda's? And of course any recommendations on black mechanical mods that take 18350 and 18650 will be much appreciated.

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I have a silver one and here it is with a plume veil on it in both 18650 and 18350 size.

IMG_0611.jpg IMG_0612.jpg
I can understand you wanting a black mod. But they very quickly turn dark grey. And in a short time end up looking shit.:woot:
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