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Best coil options for Evod and Igo-l please

Thank you. It's sounding like the microcoil is the way to go. Does anyone know why micro coils seem to out perform normal coils

I don't know the answer to that.

However, something else I have learnt recently is about NR-R-NR wire.

That is, No Resistance-Resistance-No Resistance wire.

What that means is you have a piece of wire with a set resistance fused with a piece of no-resistance wire at each end.

What this means is you make a coil with the middle bit of the wire (you can see the joins) and it does not matter how many turns you make in the coil because the resistance is fixed and never changes.

Works really well in Kanger type clearomisers, I know nothing about drippers though.

I bought 50 1.5ohm NR-R-NR wires from Stealthvape for £3.60 plus postage, here:

Pre Made Resistance - No Resistance Wires x 50
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I don't know the answer to that.

However, something else I have learnt recently is about NR-R-NR wire.

That is, No Resistance-Resistance-No Resistance wire.

What that means is you have a piece of wire with a set resistance fused with a piece of no-resistance wire at each end.

What this means is you make a coil with the middle bit of the wire (you can see the joins) and it does not matter how many turns you make in the coil because the resistance is fixed and never changes.

Works really well in Kanger type clearomisers, I know nothing about drippers though.

I bought 50 1.5ohm NR-R-NR wires from Stealthvape for £3.60 plus postage, here:

Pre Made Resistance - No Resistance Wires x 50

That's good to know thank you :). Didn't know this even existed. I probably. Shouldn't have bought 10 metres of 28 and 30g now lol
Thank you. It's sounding like the microcoil is the way to go. Does anyone know why micro coils seem to out perform normal coils
it's all to do with surface area....more wraps = more juice vaporized.

big fan of res/no res here
no fa**ying about ...the resistance you pick at checkout is the resistance of your coil..end off

I'm getting 2 extra wraps with res/no res..cos the legs are no longer part of the equation.
I picked 1.8ohm cos i didnt know if 1.5 would work on my wifes ego battery.

No point to it in drippers anyway so your other stuff would still get used.
Also, the 28 is loads easier to work with. Not quite so springy. :)

Drip. Vape. Cloud. REPEAT!
it's all to do with surface area....more wraps = more juice vaporized.

big fan of res/no res here
no fa**ying about ...the resistance you pick at checkout is the resistance of your coil..end off

I'm getting 2 extra wraps with res/no res..cos the legs are no longer part of the equation.
I picked 1.8ohm cos i didnt know if 1.5 would work on my wifes ego battery.

No point to it in drippers anyway so your other stuff would still get used.

That's a good point :)
Thank you. It's sounding like the microcoil is the way to go. Does anyone know why micro coils seem to out perform normal coils

If you haven't opened up the evod yet, have a peek and you will soon see why a compressed coil is used. Ohms is all about how much wire is being used. The more wire in a single coil, whether that is due to number of wraps or size of mandrel, the higher the ohms. With an evod you need to try and fit a lot of wire in a small space so the microcoil is the only way to really do it.

My advice would be aim for 1.5 ohms and just have a go. Everything starts making far more sense after you have built your first coil. Check the ohms carefully before you attempt to fire it and if it vapes give yourself a pat on the back and then work out how to improve it. Airflow and wicking are at least as important as how pretty your coil is ;)
If you haven't opened up the evod yet, have a peek and you will soon see why a compressed coil is used. Ohms is all about how much wire is being used. The more wire in a single coil, whether that is due to number of wraps or size of mandrel, the higher the ohms. With an evod you need to try and fit a lot of wire in a small space so the microcoil is the only way to really do it.

My advice would be aim for 1.5 ohms and just have a go. Everything starts making far more sense after you have built your first coil. Check the ohms carefully before you attempt to fire it and if it vapes give yourself a pat on the back and then work out how to improve it. Airflow and wicking are at least as important as how pretty your coil is ;)

How many volts would you recommend with a 1.5ohm coil
How many volts would you recommend with a 1.5ohm coil

Start low and work your way up until it tastes right. I vary the watts (generally the watts setting is better to use as it will adjust itself to the coil ohms) depending on type of juice and time of day when I am using my MVP so there is no hard and fast rule.
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