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Best Cola Concentrate?

is it just me or has anyone else found the cola mixes to be a bit harsh on the throat?
Ive made cola mixes in the past using concentrates from CAP and TPA. I had the same issue then.

I made a mix using the FA Cola and its the same. I only put 3% of cola in. I even added a small bit of Smooth in there too but made no difference. Ive lowered it in past too in my other mixes. Still got same results.

Ive even noticed the harshness from a cola mix that I bought from a vendor a couple months ago.

I let my friend try it and he said the same.

Anyone else notice it?

What is the best cola concentrate? I've just bought capella cola and FA cola. Are there any other ones that are better?

Also any good cola milkshake recipes? Not into cherry cola or that. Just a good cola float or cola milkshake recipe would be nice. I've been working on and off with cola for a while but can't seem to nail it down.

I'm gonna try:
FA Cola @ 3%
FA Vanilla Classic @ 1.5%

Anyone tried this?

I bought 5ml of lorann cola and is really strong and spot on cola flavour.
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