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Best MTL vape kit?

Hi guys, totally overwhelmed by the depth and quality of all of the responses to my thread. There's an answer in here somewhere and I'm determined to crack the smoking habit. It's that first one in the morning I can't seem to overcome and that's my main challenge.
Hi guys, totally overwhelmed by the depth and quality of all of the responses to my thread. There's an answer in here somewhere and I'm determined to crack the smoking habit. It's that first one in the morning I can't seem to overcome and that's my main challenge.

Hi again Tim, I totally understand.. when I was a smoker the first thing I did when I woke up was roll a fag and start puffing before I even had the kettle on.

It's not an easy habit to break, but I do believe is is a habit, you don't need it.

I can't say if this will work for you, but I would try this if I were in your situation .... get yourself something like this little Innokin Scepre, it's on sale for £15 here


fill it with an 18mg tobacco flavour, my personal choice would Manabush


Go for either the straight Nokomis, or maybe Waxahache or Coyote (if you like ginger or coconut) .. or whichever you fancy.

Make sure it's charged in the evening and take it to bed with you, leave it on the side and when you wake up, grab that and make a real effort not to smoke that first cigarette, those flavours I mentioned above will go really well with a cup of tea or coffee, so just try to relax and enjoy that. Puff it as much as you need to and after a while the craving for that first cigarette should start to go.

When you've got through that first bit of the morning, switch back to the Adept and whatever you are vaping in that during the day.

Hopefully by targeting that time and cigarette specifically and replacing it with something different will help you get over it.
FWIW I think that once you crack that first in the morning habit, you might actually look forward to the first vape more than you did the cig, as it leaves your mouth feeling so much cleaner and fresher.
If you take anything from this, just know you've got the support of the whole POTV family here. We all have either gone through or are going through the transition. The more support around you, the better IMO. Proud of you mate!
There's no doubt that what these guys are saying ^^ is the most common experience when it comes to giving up smokes.

But for me, I didn't need any willpower at all. I just preferred vaping to smoking, once I found the right juice and kit. I duel fueled for a bit, until I couldn't be arsed to roll cigarettes any more.

If anything I just had to break the habit of rolling up, because it had been ingrained for 30 years.
Mine was close to this .. I stopped smoking overnight as soon as I found vaping .. I just preferred it.

edit : and I was a 60 a day smoker
Mine was close to this .. I stopped smoking overnight as soon as I found vaping .. I just preferred it.
My lungs and my partners nose most certainly preferred it! I remember having a ciggie just to be sure it wasn't as good as I 'remembered' them to be, and they weren't! My brain was conditioned haha.

I could never smell myself, I was immune! Now I cannot stand the smell of smoke, where I use to chain a few ciggies down in the car on the way to work. Crazy how we adapt and change over time!

The biggest thing for me was realising that I actually just like coffee in the morning, I always thought I had to have a smoke with my coffee and it was the smoke doing all the magic, when it was actually just the coffee! Now I live for coffee and haven't had a smoke in almost a year. That mental change for me was a huge thing.
Mine was close to this .. I stopped smoking overnight as soon as I found vaping .. I just preferred it.

edit : and I was a 60 a day smoker

Yeah I did too.

I still get pangs even now though. The other week I was in my next door neighbors garden having a beer and his son's husband lit a ciggy behind me and as soon as I smelt it I was like 'ooohh, that smell' :D It's not a problem and that thought of cadging one off him passed immediately but I still have to keep check on myself even after all this time.
Yeah I did too.

I still get pangs even now though. The other week I was in my next door neighbors garden having a beer and his son's husband lit a ciggy behind me and as soon as I smelt it I was like 'ooohh, that smell' :D It's not a problem and that thought of cadging one off him passed immediately but I still have to keep check on myself even after all this time.
I sometimes feel i could toke on a big fat cuban, something i only rarely did when smoking - but dont get the cigarette craving anymore thankfully.

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