I like cloud9vaping for atty's and batteries. For eliquid I recently used 8Bitvape and they were fantastic. £8 for 30ml of custom eliquid and free next day delivery also there's a 20% off code
How long is a piece of string.
The vapemesh company are good for mesh/kanthal A1 wire and silica.All the pre- mentioned vendors are also worth a.Look..
best site I've used for juice seems to have cropped up in the last few weeks, www.phoenixvapours.co.uk, helpful guys, have an actual chemist helping with experience of the components that make up the liquid and seem to really know what they're doing. been vapind a Sex on the Beach flavour that's just like the real thing. x
I'd give an honourable mention to LTecigs too, if you want to get wire and flavourings etc and save on two postages. Been quick delivery and decent prices.
I hate buying on eBay never feel confident I'm getting quality. I nearly get everything from TW find them good to deal with. Some great bargains in there yoyo mega sale to.