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Best single coil build for flavour?


Jan 4, 2015
I’ve been vaping for several years now and all that time I have stuck with single-coil RTA’s, which I don’t want to change.

I have been using House of Liquid/El Toro N.E.T’s for years and pretty much don’t use anything else.

I vape mouth to lung and have always built coils using 28 Guage with a 2 or 3mm I.D. running at 1.2 to 1.4 ohms at just 9 watts and this seems perfect for me using N.E.T.’s

Although HOL Cigarillos and Puros etc give excellent flavour, I was wondering if changing the coil set up would “squeeze” yet more flavour from these liquids.

To be honest I have very little knowledge regarding coils but was wondering if using a different gauge wire which would produce a longer coil producing more surface contact and hopefully more flavour, whilst remaining in the above ohms range.

I am guessing it’s not as simple as that though, so any help or advice would be gratefully appreciated,


play with different materials,kanthal,ss,ni80.
i recommend to get some 26g ni80 and ni80 mtl fused Clapton
You are getting excellent flavour doing what you have been doing for years.
Sounds perfect to me.
I don’t do mouth to lung but the best single coil configuration I’ve tried for flavour has been 8 ply fraliens. These have 28g frames and a 36g wrap, all Ni80 apart from SS316L for the wrap:
You might have a point their mate, but I thought it was worth asking just in case.

it is worth having a play about, if you fancy it.

I certainly did before I settled on 28 gauge kanthal 2.5mm diameter about 1 ohm.
I don’t do mouth to lung but the best single coil configuration I’ve tried for flavour has been 8 ply fraliens. These have 28g frames and a 36g wrap, all Ni80 apart from SS316L for the wrap:

And how much power does that need ?
how much juice do you vape a day ?

might be useful for the op. it will be way above his normal 9w vape.
You are getting excellent flavour doing what you have been doing for years.
Sounds perfect to me.

OHD, would changing the gauge of the wire so that I could produce a longer coil (more contact with juice and coil) but still keep the same ohms?, not sure what the wattage would be though. I really do have no knowledge when it comes to coils. Interesting to see your choice of coil is not far from mine.
That’s true @oldhippydude , I have no clue about MTL vaping as mentioned. I vape that coil at about 60w, it has 3mm ID and the ribbon stack is 0.3mm. If I don’t use anything else then in a day I’d probably get through 10mls dripping on that atty.
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