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Best way to mark molicels

Just keep paired batts in the same case they came in. What's difficult about that?
Because the cases are clear and all the same. I could take my volt meter to them but can't be arsed.
It doesn't matter if the cases are all the same surely? As long as you keep them paired they will be fine.
I use a Dymo-type label.
I don’t have any need to pair per se as I don’t have any dual-cell mods but tend to buy in pairs.
Label has (my) a battery number and date of purchase - ie, last pair are labelled 4A (& 4B) 01/23.
I keep them in a 10 cell box and cycle them around so each one gets a not dissimilar amount of air time.
Works for me.
Rewrap them with a matching wrap, they will be the only ones in your collection with that wrap :)
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