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Big heeeeellllllllloooooooooooooooooo

Hi all
Quick backgroud then, smoked for 25 years, decided to start vaping instead. Loving it so far, 6 weeks without a cigarette, they taste like crap now too lol. Started with a little debang stix battery, then went for the innokin itaste vv with innokin i30b, good little battery but doesnt last long. Now using a HS VapourMX. Would love one of the big mods and will when I can afford it lol. From the UK and am just about to embark on making my own juice.

Nice to meet you all. I'm sure I'll learn lots from you all :)

welcome to the forum its good to see you here and well done on making it six weeks buddy.
if I could ask you to please sign the EFVI inititiative to stop the proposed eu ban on ecigarettes - http://www.efvi.eu/
thank you.
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