It's not just me then, i have tried a few versions that were ok but nothing special.At present i have just mixed up strawberries and cream(FW),sweet strawberry (CAP),strawberry (FA),cotton candy (FA),whipped cream (FW) and sweet cream (CAP).It is ok but only been 5 days.Mixed up today strawberry (FA),sweet cream (CAP) and sweetner (FA).In the past i have tried vanilla bean icecream,French vanilla,Bavarian cream.I just can't seem to nail a good one.I know our tastes are all different but nothing blows my socks off.At vape jam last year i tried one called strawberry queen which i really liked until i found out the price,if i could replicate it that would be great,but it is proving very difficult.My brother and workmates are loving my experimenting as they have the cast offs.I have contemplated using fresh strawberries,in my head it would work but in practise probably not,has anyone tried.What about leaving strawberries in PG,along the lines of NET,i know they are completely different and i am not sure how tobacco flavour is extracted,i would give it a shot i have tried so many versions and not really getting anywhere.