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Blues and twos

We live between the hospital where the ambulance base for this city is and the city centre, so always hear sirens. I’m not sure now if there have been more or less the past week or so. They often scare the baby.
Mainly the police (wearing masks) have been out rounding up kids, loitering or playing football and shit on the westhill - a popular area for such activities. It's the dog owners that piss me off "Oh, look at me, with my dogs, I'm untouchable". I have to walk in the road with my stick whilst they (the owners) walk by thinking their own "shit don't stink."
I’m about a mile from the flight path into London City Airport and I haven’t really noticed a lack of planes tbh (and I mean I haven’t noticed...either way). But Ava and I were home alone together doing Daddy daughter stuff and there was an almighty roar overhead. Ava thought it was a plane crash.
I didn’t get to the back door fast enough to see what it was, but if it was just your average plane that tends to land there then it shows how quiet things have become...and how ignorant of my surroundings I’ve become.
funny this thread came up i was on my way back from the supermarket yesterday only me on the road was waiting for the lights to change so i could turn right then out of nowhere i heard sirens looked in my rear view and it was the old bill no fucking need for em at all not as if they had to overtake anyone or anything nearly shit meself :rotflmao:
I have noticed over the last week or so that the roads are a lot quieter, I live next on a normally busy road. The Doctors surgery is like 50 meters away from my front door which is pretty handy. Now apparently the Doctors are doing everything by telephone that's what I was told with a text from them, yet I have noticed quite a few cars in the car park and people going in and out. ( I am a bit of a nosy sod). My point is if the Doctors aren't seeing patients who the hell are all these people going in and out everyday. It's making me a bit paranoid tbh.
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