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BMA says "keep smoking" - you can only quit with a prescription.

Bryan - I have yet to speak to a doctor who doesn't see it as a good thing, when given the alternative. Most doctors are able to see that as nicotine addicts, we are not going to become more addicted, and have been quite effective at avoiding overdoses both whilst vaping and when we smoked. It's a shame that the other clueless hoards that will be making the decision still believe that "doctor knows best", and will listen to the BMA rather than applying any degree of common sense. My boss (a hospital based consultant) made a comment when I was talking about the BMA's position on vaping, and it was along the lines of, "I wish I had the time to sit on my arse in a committee room in London talking out of my arse, rather than trying to keep up with the workload in a hospital", and I think his view is not unique - so there may be hope...
Why does the BMA and Big Pharma keep saying that ecigs are not "licensed medicine"? We know its not a f***ing medicine and don't use it as a f***ing medicine either! I've tried the gum and the patches which are registered as a f***ing medicine and guess what? they don't F***KING WORK! well not for me and tens of thousands either!

Sorry for the language but these fukers make me boil. The BMA and the Big Pharma and Co don't want us to be healthy as they wouldn't have anything to fecking sell if we were all healthy... :rant:
I was on the final clinical trial for Champix before it was licenced, and I can honestly say that what I experienced on the trial was absolutely nothing like what I experienced when I was prescribed the licenced version of the drug. The trial version never made me think I was actually going mad, to the point that my missus refused to leave me on my own because she thought I might top myself!

As for the "vaping reinforces smoking" bollocks - really?! By the same token, there is very clear evidence from the "bulletin" that being a BMA "specialist group" member and understanding very little about the subject at hand, does, in fact encourage being a boreish nonsensical arsehole!

I nearly put my finger in a blender trying to touch the centre of the blades as it spun on champix, im not sure why but i never did it before or after i stopped taking them, was like a momentary lapse of judgement/risk assesment/whatever.
Why does the BMA and Big Pharma keep saying that ecigs are not "licensed medicine"? We know its not a f***ing medicine and don't use it as a f***ing medicine either! I've tried the gum and the patches which are registered as a f***ing medicine and guess what? they don't F***KING WORK! well not for me and tens of thousands either!

Sorry for the language but these fukers make me boil. The BMA and the Big Pharma and Co don't want us to be healthy as they wouldn't have anything to fecking sell if we were all healthy... :rant:
Calm down dear lol l replied to it and awaiting a reply, not holding my breath though lol
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