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Boro tanks

I didn’t see the point of creating a new thread for basically asking the same questions so I hope it’s okay resurrecting this old one. Nearly three years have passed since the last post on this thread and things have moved on quite a bit in the Boro world so being new to this lark and after ordering a SXK DNA Billet Box I wondered if there are any new recommendations for spare Boro tanks and if there are any to avoid? I need these for rebuildable bridges that I will be getting. I also want to get a TSC thumb screw for the negative contact that will hopefully help avoid tearing up my battery wraps and also help with my dexterity issues, I have seen that Provapes sells the SXK brand and wondered if I should get one or look for another brand entirely? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I didn’t see the point of creating a new thread for basically asking the same questions so I hope it’s okay resurrecting this old one. Nearly three years have passed since the last post on this thread and things have moved on quite a bit in the Boro world so being new to this lark and after ordering a SXK DNA Billet Box I wondered if there are any new recommendations for spare Boro tanks and if there are any to avoid? I need these for rebuildable bridges that I will be getting. I also want to get a TSC thumb screw for the negative contact that will hopefully help avoid tearing up my battery wraps and also help with my dexterity issues, I have seen that Provapes sells the SXK brand and wondered if I should get one or look for another brand entirely? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I think the Negative Screw for BB are all the same and just different Brands. Hence some being more expensive than others. As for Spare Boro Tanks, the SXK Limelight Tanks are excellent and pretty much all i use now, there are others that are similar as well. Check out Ali Express because Boro Tank Prices seem to have shot up over here.
I think the Negative Screw for BB are all the same and just different Brands. Hence some being more expensive than others. As for Spare Boro Tanks, the SXK Limelight Tanks are excellent and pretty much all i use now, there are others that are similar as well. Check out Ali Express because Boro Tank Prices seem to have shot up over here.
Thanks for your advice @LordOdin, much appreciated. I went and ordered the SXK gold plated negative thumb screw with the logic being that as they made it for their own devices it should fit better than any other brand.
I have noticed the high prices of Boro tanks and that’s why I asked about them as I don’t want to waste my money on something that’s not going to work or create a leaky mess in my new mod. I shall go and have a look at those SXK Limelight tanks. Thanks again mate.
I`m also a newcomer to AIO vaping with zero knowledge or experience, it can be a minefield with the similar sounding but very different terminology, I`m under the impression that all bb boro accessories are standard sizes and universal.
I`ve been looking far and wide for spare stock coil tanks and bridges and having very little luck, I`m thinking the AIO bandwagon has passed by so I`ve put feelers out in the wanted section of the classies.
In a stroke of luck I did find the Shift tank with stock coil bridge and I`ve bought a few of those, they fit all my mods and haven`t leaked yet.
I`ve tried a few RBA tanks but coming from squonking I`m going to have to do a bit more experimenting with coils and air flow to get the flavour I like, the problem being that even with the airiest tank I own the draw can at best be described as RDTL, and try as I might I cant get used to MTL, so it`s stock coil tanks for the foreseeable.
If anybody comes across a retailer carrying a stock of bog standard boro tanks with stock coil bridges, I would appreciate a heads up.
I`m also a newcomer to AIO vaping with zero knowledge or experience, it can be a minefield with the similar sounding but very different terminology, I`m under the impression that all bb boro accessories are standard sizes and universal.
I`ve been looking far and wide for spare stock coil tanks and bridges and having very little luck, I`m thinking the AIO bandwagon has passed by so I`ve put feelers out in the wanted section of the classies.
In a stroke of luck I did find the Shift tank with stock coil bridge and I`ve bought a few of those, they fit all my mods and haven`t leaked yet.
I`ve tried a few RBA tanks but coming from squonking I`m going to have to do a bit more experimenting with coils and air flow to get the flavour I like, the problem being that even with the airiest tank I own the draw can at best be described as RDTL, and try as I might I cant get used to MTL, so it`s stock coil tanks for the foreseeable.
If anybody comes across a retailer carrying a stock of bog standard boro tanks with stock coil bridges, I would appreciate a heads up.
@vapervince all the best with your Boro and stock coil quest mate. You hit the nail squarely on the head when you said the word “minefield” as I don’t know what I was thinking of getting into this game, it’s like just wanting to poke your head around the door for a little peek and falling head first down a bloody great dark hole.👀
@vapervince all the best with your Boro and stock coil quest mate. You hit the nail squarely on the head when you said the word “minefield” as I don’t know what I was thinking of getting into this game, it’s like just wanting to poke your head around the door for a little peek and falling head first down a bloody great dark hole.👀
I wouldn`t want to put anybody off AIO vaping, you dont need to have a separate tank for each juice, but if you are considering making the switch some due dilligence is in order, if you fancy a kit that requires proprietary accessories such as tanks, bridges coils and drip tips, make sure that all the bits are readily available. The spares for universal accessories are a bit easier to get hold of but still not plentiful (unless I`m looking in the wrong places) and I can honestly say that I dont think I`ve been able to buy anything that I would consider a bargain (but that`s a different rabbit hole).
Once you have the Bridges and Tanks you want i think your pretty much set up. I am one of those Vapers who like to try new things hence me always spending. If i don't spend it on Vape Gear i will probably spend it on something else. Take Boro Tanks for instance, i bought 4 SXK Limelight Ones must be 18 Months ago and not needed any since. I buy the odd Bridge now and again and that's it. Can be expensive when first starting out but once your established it's pretty much like any vaping gear. I went through a similar thing with Mesh. With AIO's i seem to stick with 3, Them being the BB, Raga, and Zaion which i have had for quite a while. My gaming costs me way more than Vaping though i have been addicted to that for years. You have to have some pleasures in life :).
Once you have the Bridges and Tanks you want i think your pretty much set up. I am one of those Vapers who like to try new things hence me always spending. If i don't spend it on Vape Gear i will probably spend it on something else. Take Boro Tanks for instance, i bought 4 SXK Limelight Ones must be 18 Months ago and not needed any since. I buy the odd Bridge now and again and that's it. Can be expensive when first starting out but once your established it's pretty much like any vaping gear. I went through a similar thing with Mesh. With AIO's i seem to stick with 3, Them being the BB, Raga, and Zaion which i have had for quite a while. My gaming costs me way more than Vaping though i have been addicted to that for years. You have to have some pleasures in life :).
The gaming bug never bit me, I once worked on the Isle of Man and one of our gang was a gamer, we only ever saw him on site, his nights and weekends were for gaming, but god forbid you called it games, he`d correct you and say they were simulations. :D
I wouldn`t want to put anybody off AIO vaping, you dont need to have a separate tank for each juice, but if you are considering making the switch some due dilligence is in order, if you fancy a kit that requires proprietary accessories such as tanks, bridges coils and drip tips, make sure that all the bits are readily available. The spares for universal accessories are a bit easier to get hold of but still not plentiful (unless I`m looking in the wrong places) and I can honestly say that I dont think I`ve been able to buy anything that I would consider a bargain (but that`s a different rabbit hole).
Thanks for the advice mate, it’s much appreciated. I already have four devices so far which are a SXK DNA Billet Box, a Pulse V2 AIO, a Stubby 21700 and another that I can’t quite remember the name of and they all take standard Boro tanks and are pretty easy to get the bits for on certain Chinese websites. I have already bought extra panels, plates and screws etc for them as I love to be able to customise my devices which is a big plus factor for me and partly what drew me into this Boro lark. I’m a bit OCD with things like that and can’t do things by halves, a prime example of this is with my diy e juice mixing and the fact that I now have a ridiculous amount of flavours to the tune of 1153 and counting, it’s pure madness on my part.
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