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Burnt taste with protank 2 on Vamo v5


Oct 4, 2013
Hey guys, i just got my vamo and pt2 today.

while the batteries (2 18350s) were charging i set the tank up on my ego and it worked well.

i have tried it on the vamo and it tastes burnt at low volt and the same on the watt setting, yet my viv nova is fine on the vamo... Am confused as to why this is happening. It is registering 2.2 ohm and it is still burnt even at 3 volts... My vivi if fine even upto 4.2v

any thoughts?

have you got both batteries in your vamo? is that the idea?
Yeah i am running a stack.. Have tried just one too... Same issue. Even on the lowest volt and watt settings
then start investigating the airflow aspect. does the pt2 get any airflow on the vamo etc etc.
batteries warm up coil...airflow gets the vapour to you.
not enough air=burnt taste
not enough juice=burnt taste
too much power=burnt taste

vamo has a flat top, ego has some cutouts...pt2 base should let air in...etc

edit: just seen you have a vamo v5..if that has the removable cover for the top ring, try it without that ring to check airflow.

we're all guessing:-) but you're probably staring at the answer already:-)
All sorted i think... Was not set on RMS... i thought they removed that stupid 'true' setting?
as far as I know the V5 Vamo is the V3 vamo internals in a V2 vamo body, and the RMS mode is the only one on a v3.

I've not actually seen a V3 (or a v5) up close and personal though, so I might be wrong - might be worth double checking you have got a v5 and not a v2.
Yeah i think i maaaay have a v2, finding mixed reports, some sites say it has both and some say RMS only. It has the screen (OLED) of the v3/4 but the top part of the v3/5

not sure there is a huge difference in the operation of any of the vamo's though...??
then you might have one with the new screen but the old rest of it (?)

As long as you're happy with how it vapes and how it looks it doesn't matter too much. Make sure it's set to RMS mode and enjoy your vape :)

Edit to add: oh yeah - if you're using normal voltages then don't stack the batteries. If you're using a power setting that needs more than 5volts then stacking is better.
If it's drawing less than that I'd stick to single batteries.
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Yea don't think it matters too much... However apparently the v2 didn't have the removable top part yet this one does.. So now i am really confused lol

going to order a couple of 18650's and an xtar wp2ii charger soon so will be using those... I likg the size of it in stacked/650 mode...

nice piece of kit though, testing volt usage and power usage.. Not sure which is better.
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