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Burnt taste with protank 2 on Vamo v5

Oh, sorry, and thankyou very much for your help today... First VV mod for me.
vamo rms settings

Hey guys, i just got my vamo and pt2 today.

while the batteries (2 18350s) were charging i set the tank up on my ego and it worked well.

i have tried it on the vamo and it tastes burnt at low volt and the same on the watt setting, yet my viv nova is fine on the vamo... Am confused as to why this is happening. It is registering 2.2 ohm and it is still burnt even at 3 volts... My vivi if fine even upto 4.2v

any thoughts?

Hey i registered b/c i was having the same issue with my Vamo V5 and i figured it out .My vamo v5 was set on mean i believe u have to set it on RMS n u do that by holding the left lil button wich i believe is the -button hold it down for 10 seconds n it will change from mean to Rms and it should work like it should. I burnt 2 coils in my protank 2 trying to figure the damn thing out. Finally its working like a beast. LMK if that works for u . Stay vaping
Hey i registered b/c i was having the same issue with my Vamo V5 and i figured it out .My vamo v5 was set on mean i believe u have to set it on RMS n u do that by holding the left lil button wich i believe is the -button hold it down for 10 seconds n it will change from mean to Rms and it should work like it should. I burnt 2 coils in my protank 2 trying to figure the damn thing out. Finally its working like a beast. LMK if that works for u . Stay vaping

Hey, I just registered because I was having the exact same problem as well and you just fixed it for me xD I've been getting told that the V5 ONLY had RMS and you didn't need to change anything. I've gone through a few coils having no idea what the problem was but now it works like I was expecting it to in the first place. So yeah, thank you very much good sir. You are a life saver!
SmokeyJoe & Cinnaminion I posted about the V5 and the secret RMS setting the other day as I had seen on a review that you did have to set this up on the vamo v5. so I took my vamo v5 and held down the left button and I held it and held it and held it I am talking 2+ min's . but nothing. Everyone that replied to my post advised that its RMS only on the V5 and there V5's would not change when holding down the left button. sooo back to goggle I went and what I found out was that there is possibly two versions of the V5 one that you have to set up and one that is RMS only but which one came first is unknown.
Yeah I had to do the same the day I got it.

Mine ended up breaking so I got an SVD instead.
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