70/30 is actually probably gonna be ok, but i guess maybe start out with straight vg. Or pick a different brand coil to try (there is no nickel in ka1, so nickel isnt your problem. But the coils still might be, some just suck)
either way, pick one or the other to try, if that doesnt work, try the other. If neither work, vaping may just not b for u. some ppl just cant vape, they just dont get along with it.
Btw, what wattage r u running at, and which coils exactly
And r u using salt or freebase?
If u r using salt, switch to freebase
Hi mate,
Im vaping with no nicotine and using aegis boost coils in the boost plus.
Had a few hoots on the misses vape yesterday and i was ok as am i today so maybe it was the flavour of a certain juice.
One thing now tho is after 24 hours i noticed the flavour has changed of this juice....are the boost coils really that bad ? I mean it is a sweet juice but 24 hours??