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Cancerogenous in vg and pg at high temps.

Yes you are 100% correct my sincere apologies, reading on a mobile after a hard days work I did not check what thread I was on , I was referring to the metal emission of Ti, Kanthal, Ni at high temps, and yes nothing to do with this thread, so hands down, I was wrong, hope I ll be forgiven.
No problem - it's just there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding on this thread of what these videos are and what they're about - I'm trying to clear it up as best I can...
Hi @Tubbyengineer
The formaldehyde is being formed from an oxidisation of the glycerol. Glycerol combining with oxygen in the presence of heat is a combustion reaction. I believe they decide to call it oxidisation, and perhaps there is a reason and it isn't just semantics. 450f is the temperature this starts occuring.

As above, formation of formaldehyde is a product of dehydration and retro-aldol (a type of fragmentation) reaction, not oxidation or combustion.

Oxidation (oxidisation is not the right word) is a general term for a group of reactions that includes combustion. Combustion is one of many types of oxidation reaction. So there is a reason for using different terms, it's not just semantics.
Do you mean the italian forum? It's svapo.it . I transalated and intitled "svapo ad alte temperature;quali I rischi"(high temperature vape;such risks). Excuse me for my bad English,I'm not very good in it,but I'm going to improve.[emoji6]
@mc viper nice to have you here, looked at svapo.it with google translator,
Nice forum, let's keep in touch and swap informations if/when necessary.
Don't worry about your English, is certainly better than my Italian, three words Antonio Conte, vaffanculo.

An engineer from evolve was asked to speak (amongst others) because, yeah he knows what he's talking about. What would you rather a responsible company researching the effects of the products they are selling or a company that didn't give a fuck about what effects it's products are having on people. He wasn't 'promoting' anything, he just explained who he was and what he did at Evolve. He wasn't making 'an argument' for anything either ...... I'm gonna have to watch this again because I'm obviously not hearing what others are hearing.
To be honest, I gave up after 5minutes. What was the conclusion?....... To me, he just sounded like some of the bullshitters at work. Did he ever get to the point?
To be honest, I gave up after 5minutes. What was the conclusion?....... To me, he just sounded like some of the bullshitters at work. Did he ever get to the point?
Yes...... buy a dna 200 or the world will end. And no, buying a cheaper TC mod will not be tolerated... It must be Evolve.
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