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Capo squonk heads up.

Just in case it makes a difference to anyone -- I found out from the FT forum (here: https://www.fasttech.com/forums/9067705/t/2541047/temp-controll-query) that the Capo squonker won't have TC.

Odd for it not to have the same chip as the non-squonk, but there you go!
The result of selling on a computer generated image. Does seem odd in this day and age. Perhaps it is a space issue. Maybe they've had to adapt an old board to fit.
Doesn't bother me any but I bet a fair few with pre orders will be unhappy. The forthcoming fuchai has hardly had a glowing past with tc either. Ironically the little sub £30 aleander seems to be getting decent tc results on the ones currently out in the wild.
FT have updated their date to the 20th now, but after watching the 3 reviews i've found i'm not convinced on the mod and am considering cancelling and putting the money towards something else.

any thoughts on the inbox? is this old hat now or still a decent mod? got an email through the other day offering on for $46 from GB. seems bloody cheap considering how much the boards cost on their own
Daniel's review is up ....... very interesting, no TC and no ability to 'boost' above 4.2v either.

FT have updated their date to the 20th now, but after watching the 3 reviews i've found i'm not convinced on the mod and am considering cancelling and putting the money towards something else.

any thoughts on the inbox? is this old hat now or still a decent mod? got an email through the other day offering on for $46 from GB. seems bloody cheap considering how much the boards cost on their own

The only thing I didn't like about the Inbox was the size and weight. No issue with anything else.
Just in case anyone was still wondering fastech have shipped the first ones out now. Should quickly become a stock item.
Yep got my merry shipping mail today also, the aleander killer is fine for me though as is the pico squeeze, but curiosity out ranks common sense :)
My black one from fast tech shipped yesterday. Happy days

Now is there any point to getting a 20700 battery going to be running a pulse with roughly 0.3 build in it
My black one from fast tech shipped yesterday. Happy days

Now is there any point to getting a 20700 battery going to be running a pulse with roughly 0.3 build in it
The newer ijoys are inferior to the Sony 18650's so not really for that build. If you can get your hands on a decent 21700 then it will be worth it for cell life alone.
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