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CBD liquid

I'm still using Satijah 500mg Original Hemp and also some Ambrosia Peach Tea 200mg, good pain relief. I supplement cbd with some good old homemade stuff.
@jay2 :) Nothing to apologise about. I have been a little bit busy behind the scenes and perhaps should have picked up on your thread earlier? Hopefully my endeavours will have been worthwhile, so I'll take a break from them and address a few points that you raised.

Firstly, Suppliers. Most of the people mentioned are still around and doing good business. My personal preference would be split between two suppliers, cbdmods and CBDBrothers. I have to admit that Carol now uses CBDBrothers Capsules exclusively and no longer vapes CBD. This is just her preferred method of using CBD and she finds that the capsules have a very good effect and said effect lasts far longer once she has built up a few days worth in her system.
I on the other hand, still vape CBD as and when I require it. Unlike Carol, I do not require the same levels of pain control and nowadays only use it as a maintenance dose, perhaps twice a week, if that, or, if the phantom pain really makes its presence felt.

I see that you have been mixing CBD with a.n.other liquid? Again, whatever works for you. :) Personally I use it neat as that has by far the greatest effect for me and I also only use it with an RDA so that it is as direct as possible. But there are no right's or wrong's.

The one area where you have baffled me is when it came to using a TC Mod? I am unsure of why you feel this is necessary, but perhaps you have uncovered something of which we were all blissfully unaware? :)

Again, I repeat, whatever works for YOU is just fine!!! :2thumbsup:

Thanks Rob :) I could have sworn i saw you answering my thread a dew days back, But then there was nothing there, so i thought you changed your mind,. Well, maybe i misread something. Wouldn't be the first time! I do very much trust your advice, o iit;'s good to have some feedback from yourself.

Actually, the capsules from CBD Brothers would be my first choice. They have a really good rep, and it would be far easier to take a measured dose. But I very much baulk at the cost! Especially considering that I've read , from some sources, that i would need a pretty high dosage for mmy issues. And I'm already paying through the nose for gluten free food, antihistimes etc ( neither of which the NHS can supply, for different reasons, which mostly boil down to the NHS being cash-strapped. e.g I can't have the cheap antihistamines due to being allergic to one of the ingredientss, and my GP says she can't prescribe the expensive ones...for that reason). Well, the long and short of it is, disabilty benefits are not infinite, so i have to save money somewhere. (Actually I live in dread of the Govt deciding that non-prescription medications are not an appropriate use, that people are being overpaid if they can afford such luxuries, and cutting accordingly. They do seem to seize on any excuse they can find, don't they? )

It's a pity that the sites that sell these things can't give advice about dosage anymore :( . I've read contradictory advice, on all manner of sites, until my head swims. And ofc, different products would likely require different dosages. Know a good, comprehensive and authoritative source of info on all that?

You haven't answered my question about whether I could, alternatively, add the vape juice from cbdmods to my food? I really can't see why not, but i'm cautious about making assumions.

The a.n other juice was my own home-made juice. I don't use any other kind these days. I thought that super -concentrated stuff from cbd mods probably needed diluting if I was gonna put it in a tank. Hmm,but maybe if I put it into a tank without , Icould tget the same effect much faster, But then I'd have to keep that tank "on the go" for ages, just vaping a bit every day.

I'm cautious of using an RDA cos I never have before and i can be extremely stupisd with mechanical things, never mind how simple. My brain has some really strange blind spots there. Frankly I'm afraid I would do something insanely stupid to the point of being dangerous. And watching videos wouldn't help, cos my visual memory is kaput. I tend to learn things like that by doing them.repeatedly ..ideally under close supervision! I would love the opporrtunity to learn, but first I ned to find a patient RL friend who has the requisite experience!

As for temperature control. Well i read in a few different places (including this forum!) that it's crucial to vape CBD at the right temperature. Too low and the not all the therapeutic constituents will vapourise; t oo high and they burn . There sems to be a pretty narrow therapeutic window. And how do you know if you're within that window without a display that tells you what temperature you're vaping at?

Actually , I'd rather not faff around with a TC mod. The extremely low resistance of TC coills bothers me. So far i've got it out, looked at it, peererd at the instruction booklet thoufgh a magnifying glass, got a headache, put it away again, rinse and repeat.

I'd rather be a whole lot more scientifc about it and find out what kind of sdosage I actually need. I mean, for example, I'd like get results that could be easily translated when i change supplier and/or change the delivery method, rather than having to repeat this hit-and-miss process. I don't even know if I'm managing to control my seizures, TBH, because I'm completely unaware of most of them! Obviously, if it happens that few weeks go by without any indications that I've had a seizure , then I'll be thinking that probably it's working. But I still won't know what dosage I was taking to get that effect, will I? *sigh* It might well need a higher dose than I need just for pain control. From the bits of info I've managed to scratch up, it seems that it usually does. That would be amazing if I found something that does what the NHS anti-seizure needs are meant to do, but without the ghastly side -effects. I'd gave up on those things years ago. I'd far sooner have the seizures, thanks. But if I can find a good way of stopping them ... :)

Anyway, thanks again for the reply. :)
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NP, Rob. i did write rather a lot.
I shouldn't put more on your plate, but , weeelll, somebody else was asking questions about CBD here, and there was nobody except a handful of we CBD noobs to answer him! (and not very helpfully). I shouldn't think, on a forum this size, you're the only CBD guru round here? but, heck, it looks like it.
For anyone wondering steer clear from CBD mods I got a 30ml and 10ml bottle it had not affect whatsoever even after 4 2ml tanks chain vaping , it was the 3X vape had the January coupon so got the 10ml and 30ml for 36 quid , I wasn't diluting this was smoking it neat . I found the harmony 100mg eliquid to be rocket fuel compared to it, guessing the CBD mods gear is 20mg or even less lol . I was so pissed off I even put in a pp claim .....
If anyone wants to try the cbd mods stuff i have 3 bottles 1 untouched others have at least 10ml between them of the 3x strength stuff pm me you can have it cheap
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