Midnight, if you have just the one battery & CE4, it's probably worth investing in some spare kit - My early Ego/CE4 days included suddenly resuming smoking while I waited for the battery to charge (though maybe you're avoiding that, smoking less in the first place). I got a spare, higher capacity ego to interchange when charging.
I also quickly learned that the CE4 is disposable, so went off and ordered more (these didn't vape nearly as well as the original, though). Realising my smoking was increasing with less satisfactory CE4s, I then invested in some Evods, a Protank and a DCT, plus a few mini tanks similar in build to the CE4 for use with a mini battery as a stealth vape kit (I got more batteries, including an Ego Twist, plus a USB passthrough).
Obviously, much of the above kit was indulgent rather than essential, but extra tanks and/or heads for the rebuildables are essential so you don't find yourself completely vapeless if the CE4 packs up (and standard CE4s are one-piece units that need full replacement when they die).
I absolutely adore the Protank, and the Evod is a similar piece of kit (just smaller). I like the cooler vape you get from the BCCs. The DCT took some getting used to because of the very warm hit, but provides a strong flavour and lots of vapour. As this is a glass tank, I've used it exclusively for coffee cinnamon homebrew that might be liable to crack a plastic tank, and I tend to use this most when the craving's strongest - due to the strong flavour/vape/heat hit.
I mostly use fruit and dessert flavours, and tend to use certain tanks for a flavour type - though a couple of tanks have only had banana butterscotch (because I'm hooked on it at the mo). I find that most flavours don't contaminate the next, but I'm looking to designate one to spearmint & menthol flavours, as these would definitely taint the next flavour (I've only tried spearmint so far and wasn't all that impressed, but I'll use these flavours when I have a cold!!).
I've often used "bridging blends" in tanks: fruit flavour to toffee apple to butterscotch flavours, sometimes even then going to coffee flavours and then the same in reverse to take it back to fruity - as long as what was in the tank last time goes with the next flavour, you're fine.
I now have enough batteries/passthroughs (6) and tanks (11) to switch between a range of flavours throughout the day - and I'll never find myself without a working e-cig