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Changing liquids

I use syringe as well, nice and easy. Vapers Tongue; as I understand it, your vaping way then all of a sudden you can't taste anything. Tongue clean required. Cotton wool scourer, hope you boiled it properly first, (who knows what nasties are lurking) does work though. Midnight as someone said get some menthol in just in case, turns even the nasty juice vapeable. Menthol crystals 5mg tub from your local chemist, about £2. I don't mix them just dump a few in at a time, till it become vapable.
I have a tongue scraper and tongue brush in my bathroom. I never could stand the fur tongue you get from smoking rollies. Eesh. Also hate yellow smokers teeth so I guess vaping instead will help with that too.
Massive Kudos to Vapercaper for the detailed instructions on refurbing a head. I am about to start winding my own coils and whilst waiting for the required bits to arrive, was somewhat surprised that a 2 day old 1.8ohm coil has stopped producing any taste, vapour galore but no taste, so a quick wash out, dry burn and de ashing and normal service has been resumed.

A question if I may, 1.8ohm, 2.4ohm etc, what are the differences and why?

Many thanks for all the assistance you people give us newcomers.
Midnight, if you have just the one battery & CE4, it's probably worth investing in some spare kit - My early Ego/CE4 days included suddenly resuming smoking while I waited for the battery to charge (though maybe you're avoiding that, smoking less in the first place). I got a spare, higher capacity ego to interchange when charging.

I also quickly learned that the CE4 is disposable, so went off and ordered more (these didn't vape nearly as well as the original, though). Realising my smoking was increasing with less satisfactory CE4s, I then invested in some Evods, a Protank and a DCT, plus a few mini tanks similar in build to the CE4 for use with a mini battery as a stealth vape kit (I got more batteries, including an Ego Twist, plus a USB passthrough).

Obviously, much of the above kit was indulgent rather than essential, but extra tanks and/or heads for the rebuildables are essential so you don't find yourself completely vapeless if the CE4 packs up (and standard CE4s are one-piece units that need full replacement when they die).

I absolutely adore the Protank, and the Evod is a similar piece of kit (just smaller). I like the cooler vape you get from the BCCs. The DCT took some getting used to because of the very warm hit, but provides a strong flavour and lots of vapour. As this is a glass tank, I've used it exclusively for coffee cinnamon homebrew that might be liable to crack a plastic tank, and I tend to use this most when the craving's strongest - due to the strong flavour/vape/heat hit.

I mostly use fruit and dessert flavours, and tend to use certain tanks for a flavour type - though a couple of tanks have only had banana butterscotch (because I'm hooked on it at the mo). I find that most flavours don't contaminate the next, but I'm looking to designate one to spearmint & menthol flavours, as these would definitely taint the next flavour (I've only tried spearmint so far and wasn't all that impressed, but I'll use these flavours when I have a cold!!).

I've often used "bridging blends" in tanks: fruit flavour to toffee apple to butterscotch flavours, sometimes even then going to coffee flavours and then the same in reverse to take it back to fruity - as long as what was in the tank last time goes with the next flavour, you're fine.

I now have enough batteries/passthroughs (6) and tanks (11) to switch between a range of flavours throughout the day - and I'll never find myself without a working e-cig
Thanks Fleabag. I have, since making my original post, bought a kanger protank mini which I love. I got 5 spare coils with it and a USB charger. So I have two vape sticks right now. Will certainly buy more as time goes on. I have a coffee juice on the way (as well as others) so am very excited about trying them! :D
Your progress into the vaping world sounds much like mine, then. I'm in the market for a Protank Mini. I ordered all the mixing gear as soon as I got the CE4s, so I've not really used pre-mixed since. Mixing your own is really easy and great fun - it also gave me chance to tweak the PG-VG ratios, as I find the pre-mixed throat hit a little harsh, so I'm settled now on a 50/50 mix.

I only took up vaping seriously with the CE4 kit in April (tried cig-a-likes last year and didn't last long on them), so I'm fairly new to it myself, but immediately cut my cig use down to 5 a day, reduced further to 3-4 per day since shifting to the better tanks (can't quite let go of the last "after-dinner" and "with coffee" fags).

It's been a few weeks since I bought anything new - I might be due a wander round the fasttech website!
Well done on cutting right down. I have often quit fags and used NRT lozenges, inhaler etc then e-ciggies, which were pretty pants, then went back to my rollies. Since finding all these excellent vaping devices I have not even wanted a real fag (still early days though). Hopefully won't go back to fags but I won't say never again. Once I am a bit more advanced into the vaping world I would love to try mixing my own but would want to do it properly with good advice. Reckon I am in the right place for that :)

Am still a bit in awe of it all really. It's brilliant! :D

I see this fasttech name around the forum quite a lot. Is it the best site around or something? Everyone seems to be getting stuff from fasttech.
Be adventurous Middy and put Fasttech into Google and go for a looksee. Look up Consumer Electronics on their site and you're there. Be as obtuse as you like but you name it and they just about sell it. Knicker elastic by the mile, 3-piece suites by the 1,000, machine guns, tanks (maybe) but just about anything. The prices are approx half of what they are in the UK but you just have to wade thru all the junk to find what you want. No pun intended!
Oi you!! I'll have you know I have to get up this time every morning to take Her Ladyship into work and I really didn't want to get up this morning. Still, I'm up now so I may as well find someone to suffer for it. Now who can I see online........
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