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Changing recipe/percentage concentrate depending on VG/PG ratio


Aug 8, 2015
I dont know if this is a dim question, and i'm a very new mixer, i've just done my first batch,

say with Capella concentrates they recommend starting off at 15%


say with TPA concentrates they recommend around 5% upwards to 10%

would it always change for a higher VG mix, so for a 50%PG/50%VG you might get away with 5% but if you then go up to 30%PG/70%VG and VG absorbs less flavour would you then have to up your flavour concentrates, upwards with TPA to say 10%. Similarly with Capella might you have to up your concentrates towards 20% the higher VG you have.

And would that mean that whenever you see a recipe on the forums it kind of depends on what PG/VG ratio the recipe was made with to whether it kind of works as intended?
Your reasoning seems sound to me but not having done the experiments, I can not say for sure.
What I do know is that people all taste things differently and percentage flavour guidelines are rough approximations and whatever the pg/vg ratio you have to find out for yourself what works best for you.
Make some small test batches at different percentages and see what you think.
I personally find the level of flavour most people use is too strong for my taste.
It's not a dumb question, but it is kinda subjective and time based.

I think that the overriding factor will be how long you steep juices .... this allows for oxidisation and for juices to move toward becoming a solution or a fully mixed compound. I think if you allow for steeping time the percentages will be about the same, unless you have a wide variation between the pg/vg mix (90/10 - 10/90). Also with steeping some mixes will present more quickly i.e. fruits will be vapable more quickly that custards.

The subjective part comes from the fact that each person tends to perceive tastes differently ... this is why you get love / hate mixes, and what tastes strong to some people tastes weak to others.

The quickest way to check is if you have a fruit flavour you like, and try ratio's of PG and VG at different percentages of concentrate. The most accurate flavour profile will be from dripping or an RDTA rather than a subtank. Also remember that you may be constrained in what your delivery system is i.e. some subtanks don't like very high vg as it can cause wicking problems.

Sorry for the long and temporised answer. Ultimately, juice making is about finding the best pg/vg/concentrate ration for your gear .. this is part of it :)
Few months ago a stopped adding extra pg to my mixes (flavour and nic still pg) so I mix at approx 80/20 vg heavy.. I didn't find that I needed to up the %ages of my concentrates... I still use 15% capella and 10% FA.. Flavours are still there no problems.. I steep everything 2 weeks tho
thanks for your great replies.

I have made batches of different percentages, i started off with custard (im ready for a long steep) and strawberry ripe (hoping this would be shorter) and ive also got mixtures of custard and bavarian cream and strawberry with the bavarian cream, but i was hoping that the straight strawberry would be tastable quite quickly as id read that fruits should be shakeable and vapable and have been wondering if i'm being impatient on the steeping or needed to add more strawberry
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