This is the full section on tobacco from today's budget document
Tobacco duties
2.141 Tobacco duty rates – As announced at the March Budget 2010, duty rates on tobacco
products will increase by 2% above RPI. These changes will come into effect from 6pm on
19 March 2014. (Finance Bill 2014)
2.142 Tobacco duty rates beyond 2014-15 – Annual duty increases of 2% above RPI will
continue until the end of the next Parliament to help improve public health. (31)
2.143 Minimum excise tax – The government will consult during summer 2014 on whether a
minimum excise tax for tobacco could help improve public health.
2.144 Tobacco smuggling and revenue protection – The government will consult during
summer 2014 on a range of measures to strengthen its response to tobacco smuggling and
improve anti-forestalling controls, with a view to legislating in 2015. (Finance Bill 2015)
If the proposed consultations use figures and research as inaccurately as those used by the European Parliament for the TPD, then who knows what they'll come up with. Either way it will always benefit the tobacco industry more than consumers and their health.