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Clearing the decks part one : Bunkr - The Future


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 18, 2012
Space has become a bit of a premium at Manabush HQ! As such we will be having a number of reductions and sales over the coming few weeks to try clear out a bit of much needed real estate. The biggest change will be too the Bunkr Range - with the rest consisting of some sales on older stock.

So first off, we have taken the decision moving forward to supply Bunkr for the foreseeable future in Shortfill only. Bunkr’s Higher VG Nature has meant that 10ml bottles are really not that practicable and most of our sales of this range are now in Shortfill (because of the higher usage lower Nic content of this range it makes more sense). - Excitingly , we will also be working on a 30ml shortfill that should be as good for 6mg as for 3mg.

We will keep our Notification with the EU Gateway live in case anyone of the lawmakers eventually has the common sense to relax the Nicotine containing liquid bottle size at any point.

As such all TPD packaged Bunkr’s price is now permanently reduced to clear stock - our 30ml boxes (3x10ml) are now 7.99 and we have a limited number of 10ml boxes at £2.75

Once they are gone it will be shortfill only.

get em here : https://manabush.com/collections/bunkr-cafe-vapes



The Manabush Team
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Genuinely happy to hear the 20ml shortfill in a 30ml bottle was taken on board.

I'm sick of calls about 25ml shortfills to add half a nicotine shot to. (End user dumps the entire 10ml in and rips the shop workers heads off).

30mls (ok with NIC added) takes us back to the most popular size of bottle pre-TPD.
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