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Clive Bates: Escaping the EU Directive


Jul 18, 2012
Good summary of where we are, potential 'escape routes'. possible things to do, likely outcomes...etc

Worth a whole read of his article as he goes into some detail on each of the possible 'escape routes' but I found 6 interesting so I've copied and pasted below

"Here’s the escape routes I can think of.

  1. Legal action
  2. EU institutions recognise their errors and amend the directive
  3. The normal process of updating the directive
  4. Brexit – the UK leaving the EU and related reform negotiations
  5. UK Parliament defies Brussels
  6. Subversion, workarounds and civil disobedience
  7. What to do?"


"Subversion, work-arounds and civil disobedience

One mistake legislators often make is to assume that everyone will comply with their laws and act in the way they expect. This is unlikely, and I expect to see the considerable inegnuity applied to subverting this directive and showing how worthless it is. I am not saying this is good, just that it is inevitable when regulation this poor is introduced. Some possible failures:

  • A trend to cottage industries making low cost e-liquids from concentrated nicotine liquid and flavours and selling locally and informal markets in whatever containers they want
  • Hoarding and freezing of liquids
  • A trade in illicit high concentration nicotine solutions to support cottage industries and DIY
  • A trend to buying devices and liquids outside the EU over the internet, in person or by courier for personal use. Expect duty free shops on the periphery of the EU to load up with gear and liquids and expect the Chinese internet sales to rocket (see these for example on Alibaba)
  • Isle of man will become the UK vapers’ paradise and the destination for UK vape-fests – matching its success in online gambling and plans to be a Bitcoin centre
  • Trade in ‘spare parts’ for existing units bought overseas and non-compliant plug-and-play upgrades to devices
  • A trend to ‘binary’ products where the active ingredients are sold separately and mixed by the user
  • Space fillers installed in tank systems to allow larger tanks when removed
  • Mislabelling stronger liquids
  • A meltdown in the registration / notification system which will fail and leave the competent authorities and Commision at fault
  • Advertising by word of mouth, social media and on the internet on servers outside Europe
  • Non-commercial UK-based portals to non-EU suppliers
  • Trading Standards Officers unable to cope and giving low priority to harmful regulation"
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The only thing that was concerning me was the banning of festivals and the reduction in the numbers of new vapers.

I didn't realise the IOM was exempt from EU law, so that is great news, it will cost a bit more to get there, just have to make a proper holiday of it.
The only thing that was concerning me was the banning of festivals and the reduction in the numbers of new vapers.

I didn't realise the IOM was exempt from EU law, so that is great news, it will cost a bit more to get there, just have to make a proper holiday of it.

Its not that expensive to get there as long as the TT isnt on. Iv found a return ferry trip in may for £30! Plus we can try out their non restrictive speed limits as well
The only thing that was concerning me was the banning of festivals and the reduction in the numbers of new vapers.

I didn't realise the IOM was exempt from EU law, so that is great news, it will cost a bit more to get there, just have to make a proper holiday of it.
Yeah, pretty sure they burn homosexuals there.
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