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Cloud Range E liquids feedback


Jun 4, 2013
Please feel free to leave your feedback on the Cloud Range samples here
the retail price for this range will be £4.99 for 20ml bottles.


Thanks to the lovely team at myepack. Received 3 samples today in mail. 1)tomocco 1.5mg 2) Steve's Job 1.5mg 3)puerile moments 0mg

Tested on a dripper cos.... Clouds Bro... Mutation X @0.3 ohms and various wattages from 50-80watts.
1) tomocco. My first thought of the name was that Simpsons episode where Homer cross breeds tomato and tobacco, just smelling it seems a sweet tobacco. Tasting on the dripper I got a malty, sweet tobacco not enough to be a chocolate and none of the sharpness of a tomato, possibly a very muted aniseed but not definite. Very rich and easy on the throat, more of the maltiness and less tobacco on the exhale. 7/10 for flavour could see myself partaking of an evening with a cognac, but can't see it as an adv.
2) Steve's Job. This immediately smells of a candy apple to me. I'm reminded of the sour fizzy apples from knock off haribo, I'm intrigued and looking forward to this. Wow sweet, almost too sweet and very "chemically " and definitely the same taste from those E number rich sweets that I over indulged with as a child. Tangy aroma on the exhale. Wait... Apple... Steve... Job I get it! For me the nostalgia of those "fruity sweets" means I could vape this all day but man it clogs the palate, just chuffing down a pint of fluid before attempting the next one. Flavour 8/10 could see myself ordering this un.
3)puerile moments. From the name and sweet smell I'm guessing another candy. Tbh I can't suss this out. Very sweet and gets sweeter the higher wattage you wave at it. Maybe a Berry/vimto taste, sort of reminds me of dolly mix but I can't pin it down. Too sweet for me and too generic. Flavour 5/10.
Vapour production on all was on par with my own 70/30 mixes but it's noticeably less viscous so should wick well in a tank which will be my endeavour tomorrow. All easy on the throat (low nic FTW). For the price I think I'd be tempted to try more of the range as I could easily snag an Adv for a good price. Thanks again Ash!
Steve's Job, Tomocco and Summer Ray samples.

Using Aspire K1 clearomiser. Will try in dripper soon.

Tomocco - a tomato/tobacco taste to me, a bit like sun dried tomato at first but also the smell in a greenhouse where tomatoes are growing. The tobacco part is sort of nutty for me. I really like it. It's quite moorish and I wouldn't be disappointed if I had paid for it.

Summer Ray - not overly mentholy for me but I'm on a low power device today. A really nice coolness. Fruity, cherry and pear and a bit of lychee? Can't really work it out but pleasantly flavoursome without being perfumy. I do like strong fruity flavours though.
edit: After a while I find the menthol or some aspect a bit irritating to breathe and making me cough a bit. I think menthol type ejuice probably doesn't agree with me, though I like the flavour.

Yet to try Steve's Job



now using IPV3 Li with Plume Veil clone at 0.16ohm

Tomocco - getting a strong sun-dried tomato taste at 20W, but much more depth of other flavours at 40W which I find difficult to describe, being new to this, but I suppose a chocolaty tobacco. The tomato is not overpowering at this wattage, for me at least, and goes well with the other flavours. I really love this savoury vape.
I keep trying to taste liquorice but it is the savouriness of the sun dried tomato instead, which for me at least is a nice alternative.

Steve's Job - (40W) Succulent sweet/tart apple taste, not sour or sickly sweet, more like a mix of fresh juicy apple and baked 'caramelised' apple. Much better at this higher wattage. With the K1 aspire I was enjoying it but didn't love it, but at the higher W and a dripper I love it.

Summer Ray - (40W) getting cherry menthol. There was a boiled sweet used for colds when I was a kid called 'Tunes', and this tastes just like that to me. Nostalgic, but a simple taste for me at this wattage.
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Ok, quick review of "Pust"

Smells beautiful, like lychees or green grapes, very juicy fresh smell, the first few Puff's are again very fresh on the palate, and has a pleasant aftertaste, would certainly be a good after meal vape to cleanse the palate. On the exhale you get a herb taste, can't quite describe it, sort of peppery or like the shiso/perilla that you get with pickled plums in Asia, quite pleasant but ends up dominating the nice fruit flavour after a while and can get a bit soapy. Reminds me a bit of the "11 fruit and veg" drinks you get in Japan.

Very interesting though, not sure I could vape it all day, but it is a nice different flavour that I have not seen/tried before and would be a nice vape after a heavy meal.

I would probably buy this and recommend it to someone after something other than the usual fruit/cream flavours.

Rating I would say a solid 7/10, interesting unique Asian flavour (just makes me think of Japan) but possibly needs toning down of the herb flavours as the fruit flavour is really nice. Also change the name, Pust sounds like pustules, not a good mental image lol

Right clean the dripper and its onto the worryingly named "strawberry Omen"

Ok strawberry Omen time, will Damian come crawling out of my dripper and stare at me while I fly through the air and crash into a pile of empty cardboard boxes? No... However this is a nice vape, quite subtle in flavour and I agree with @gumbo71, it does taste like jelly sweets, but for me its those red and black raspberry jelly sweets, I even checked the Chinese on the side and it says "fresh raspberry Omen" as I was convinced it was not strawberry.

Very soft flavour, a bit creamy without having a custard/cream sort of taste, I would imagine this being stronger would get sickly very quickly, so I congratulate the balance, its subtle enough not to become overpowering, but strong enough to enjoy chain vaping.

Not sure I would buy this one, its definitely nice and reminds me of buying pick and mix sweets in Woolworths, but it needs an extra something. I could see this selling well though to people that like candy flavour liquids if it was marketed correctly.

Again a solid 7/10, wouldn't buy it personally even though I enjoyed it, but I could see this being popular.

Final clean and I will return with "Camornia"

Did you wake up this morning and think "I really want to know what camel Wang tastes like"? Well I have just tried it, or to give it the English rebrand of the far more palatable sounding "Camornia"

This is an interesting one, I can see this dividing opinion, the primary flavour of this is honey, real set honey, not that runny crap your Mum buys, proper honey. Really sweet, it actually set my teeth on edge, but it is a very nice flavour. Under that is cream, initially I thought it was going to be a "honey milk" sort of vape, but then the cream developed into a buttery taste and its like hot buttery toast with hard set honey, just without the bready finish.

Very nice so far right?

Then it gets to the aftertaste, and again there's that Herby flavour, not as pronounced as with "Pust" but still there.

This is what I think will divide opinion, to me its not bad, the buttery honey flavour is great, but I can see how others might try this and think "sweaty socks" or something like that, the herbs worked well in Pust but were a bit too strong, here they are more subtle, but it gives a strange combination of flavours that makes you think of smelly feet.

Despite this, I'm really *really* enjoying it, its probably my favourite of the bunch, but I can see how others would absolutely hate it.

I would buy this with the caveat that the herbs are eliminated entirely, you have something here that could be absolutely killer, the honey makes your mouth water and the cream/butter finish is great, you can almost feel it melting in your mouth. I guess this an east/west divide in tastes, I'm not dissimilar with the herb flavours from my time in Japan, but I'm not convinced they would be popular over here as there's not really anything used here that people can relate to unless they have tried a lot of Asian cuisine.

A huge thanks for the samples to try, I hope my feedback has been useful, if you want more information/feedback I would be more than happy to help.

I will keep trying these over the next few days and will update if my opinion changes.

Thanks again


I'm rather concerned that Camornia contains actual sugar rather than some sort of sweetener, when I mentioned it setting off my teeth I thought it was just a psychological reaction, but the more I vaped it over the evening, the more my teeth ached to the point where I had to brush my teeth and use mouthwash and couldn't face to vape it any longer.
They were vaped in a youde hunter clone, with a dual fused Clapton build coming out at 0.19ohms at 80w.

1. 'Steve's Job' it is called, I haven't the faintest clue what it is but its not too bad, smell reminds me of something, I'm thinking cherry maoam's but I could be well off, it's definitely a sweet of some description. Can't put my finger on it. Quite an artificial taste - not sure if i like it, vapable but by no means awesome. This was 0.15mg or 1.5 as its described. I'd rate it 5.5-6/10. Edit: as others have mentioned, the name would assume it were apple flavour. I didn't get that but hey.

2. 'Tomocco', instantly assumed it would be a tobacco/chocolate/coffee flavour (as in a fusion of tobacco/mocha, if it were tomato/tobacco it would be called 'Tomocca' right?! We've these names I haven't the faintest). I don't get the tomato that others have mentioned. Much better than the first, can definitely taste the chocolate and coffee. Again 1.5mg, I'd rate this as a 7/10. I will vape this.

Edit: Trying this again now and I'm liking it more and more. [emoji106]

3. 'Puerile Moments'. An odd name, guessing it's linked to a childhood sweet or similar (I'm writing as I test so haven't tried yet), let's see... Ok, it tastes familiar, again struggling to pin it down especially without any sort of description. First impressions is it reminds me of a fruit drink- um bongo perhaps (been a while!), sunny d, j2o, I'm not sure. It's not too bad though, again vapable. This was 0mg and I'd rate it at a 6/10.

All produce plumes of vapour if that's your thing...

View attachment 68005

So to sum up they're not amazing for me (taste is subjective of course), especially Steve's job and Peurile moments ( I am move of a savoury person though) but they are by no means disgusting, I quite like the 'Tomocco'. Would I buy it? Not SJ or PM, Tomocca perhaps, but unlikely at £5 a pop as it isn't quite a winner for me. I will however look at the rest of the reviews and the range upon release as £5 for 20ml is definitely fair if I can find an adv. I have tried to be as fair and honest as I can. I will try them again later to see if anything changes. I'm by no means grumbling, I appreciate the opportunity to test and review so thank you.
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Firstly let me say a huge thank you for these juices. I've now tried both of the two I got and below are my honest views for better or worse.

Patrol zero nic. I've been vaping like mad today and particularly tonight so needed a break from the nic.

Using it via an Aspire Pegasus firing an Uwell Crown with a 0.25 ohm coil.

Quite pleasant, light airy and refreshing flavourful black currant Ribena or perhaps boiled sweets with a hint ofblack currant Tunes lozenge.Sweetwithout being overly sweet. Very easy Vaper. Very juicy if a little artificialflavoured and lacking in complexity orsophistication.

Decent vapour cloud.

Would I put it in my tank again? Yes.

Am I disappointed to have it in my collection? No

Would I still be dissapointednif I'd paid money for it? Not if it had cost under £4

Would I chose to buy it again if it were available at £4 ? No, probably not truth be told.

A decent enough experience but not one that is special enough to seek out again given the plethora of choice out there
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Now onto Tomecco

I'm going to be brief and choose my words carefully as I don't want to seem ungrateful but by the same token I know honesty is the order of the day here.

I do like and use tobacco flavours. I love them in the mornings in particular

I filled my Atlantis 2 with it this morning. 0.3ohm coil. 45w on the Pegasus

I really really did not like this. In my opinion it's a wrong'un

The underlying tobacco flavour is quite nice, light and mild. But the other flavour is a kind of muddy tomato I think

Not good at all I'm sorry to say
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Kanger KBox Mini - Velocity RDA - 0.4 ohm - 44w

Big thanks for letting me have a gander at these liquids!
Apologies if the feedback is a little negative but I'd prefer to give honest feedback.

Strawberry Omen
Subtle berry taste on the inhale, not quite strawberry but can't pinpoint the flavour though I'd compare it
to something like strawberry laces (the cheap ones that taste very artificial).
Produces plenty of vapour, smooth hit and a nice taste lingers in the mouth afterwards,
The exhale on the other hand is very strange to say the least, quite dirty/sweaty mixed with a floral flavour.
Not really something I'd enjoy on a regular basis but was a reasonable vape.
Overall I'd give it 4/10 because of the after-taste I get from it.

Fresh Choc
Very artificially tasting chocolaty banana, not getting much from the inhale really though.
I can taste banana coming through towards the end of the inhale and then it's toned down during the exhale by
what I'd imagine is chocolate but it's not a distinctive enough flavour to pinpoint it.
The exhale becomes a little bit of a mess of flavour and nothing comes through.
A little bit bland but it's an okay vape, it's not overpowering and could be used as an ADV if the flavour was improved.
I'd give it a 5/10 but probably wouldn't purchase it unless the flavours were enhanced a touch.

Overall they were both reasonable and produced lovely clouds but the flavour just wasn't there.

Thanks again.
Zephyrus at 35w (0.5ohm coil)

Thanks for the opportunity to try out the liquid samples I received 2 x magic blend one which was 0mg and one with was 0.15mg although it was labelled up as 1.5mg I'm pretty sure this was the case as I didn't endure throat death whilst vaping it.
I only vaped the 0.15mg as obviously there would be very little difference between this and the 0mg, this to me was a very straightforward taste not complex at all and no difference between the inhale & exhale, the taste I got was toffee yoghurt and I picked that up in an instant.
The vapour production from this liquid was also excellent.
Both me and my partner agreed this was a very nice liquid and possibly an all day vape.
I would give this liquid a 9/10 and would buy it again and also think the price is quite reasonable.
The other liquid I received was thrill patrol.
Me and my partners opinions were slightly divided on this one.
We both said that we tasted blackcurrant on the inhale and a blackcurrant/menthol on the exhale, I continued to vape it and also seem to possibly taste kiwi on the inhale as well.
Both me and my partner once again enjoyed the flavour and the vapour production was once again excellent.
Our opinions became divided as she said it became a little sickly and probably couldn't use it for very long whereas I said it could possibly be an all day vape for me.
I would give it an 8/10
My partner would give it a 6.5/10
I would purchase this liquid whereas my partner said she would not.
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