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Cloudy CE5


Oct 28, 2013
My CE5 is looking cloudy. Is there a way to tell whether it's the plastic degrading or condensation? I strongly suspect the former (and my eyesight is not that great). I don't want to risk my tank cracking, because I don't want to end up with e-juice everywhere. I know it's not a problem if you wash it off, but it makes me anxious. I could just chuck it and use a new one, but at the same time I don't want to waste stuff if I don't need to.
When one of my clearo's looks a bit misty I usually tilt it so the liquid wipes away the condensation and it is clear again. I haven't had plastic tanks degrade on me yet or crack and I often use juices that are known tank crackers. Not that I am ignoring advice I just forget which ones crack tanks. I've even used Pluid in an evod and when I remembered I quickly tipped it into my pro tank. Still didn't crack or go hazy though.
Is it cloudy all over? If it's a uniform cloudiness then maybe it is starting to wear old.
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