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Coil build advice please


Jun 18, 2015
I have been building coils for some time now with great success and all my builds have come in at good ohm readings but I've normally just followed some else's build. But I'm looking at doing a quad twisted 28AWG dual coil build that comes in at .3 ohms, I done one a little while ago and it come in at .2 ohms n that's a little low for what I need this time. ImageUploadedByPlanet of the Vapes1439448639.919136.jpg
So that was 8 wraps a side. So my question is as I'm a dumb ass and it's hurting my head trying to work it out is? To make a build like that and make it .3 do I need less wraps or more? Or wrap it smaller or bigger? I did it around a 3mn bit last time.
I would really appreciate some advice and it will stop my head from exploding lol.
Just add another wrap or two, but meeeeh the result will be a monster big coil. For this kind of builds 0.2 is not even low, it's quite good.
4 strands of 28g K1 twisted on a 2.5mm bit. 7 wraps comes in a .25 for me. 8 or 9 wraps would be near to .3.
The ramp up time will likely be mega shite!

The smaller the diameter, the more wraps needed. The more wraps equals higher resistance at the same ID.
i can second the steam website, i am new to coil wrapping and it has helped me so much give it a go...
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