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Dicodes Nife30 Vs Stealth Vape Nife 30


Apr 12, 2024
I’ve been using TC on a couple of Dicodes mods using their Resistherm nife30 but am needing to buy some more.
Crème de vape seem to be out of stock so might need to buy some from Stealth Vape.
Is there much difference between the two.
I’ve been making a 7 wrap, 2.5mm I.d coils coming in at around 0.4 ohm.
Would there be much difference if I did go Stealth Vape and changed to 28awg nife30 or should I stick to 29awg the same as the Dicodes stuff.
Anybody know of and differences between the two or of any problem I would have in switching.
I don’t have any problems making coils with the 29awg wire.
Thank you.
TCR of the Stealthvape stuff is 500, Dicodes is 320.
I have noticed the tcr is different.
Apart from that though there’s no issues from swapping over to Stealth Vape wire. And would there be any difference in going to 28awg from the 29awg Dicodes stuff.
Only been trying TC for the last couple of weeks so still learning…
I use 28awg, I don't like using odd numbered wire. No issues as long as you remember to change the TCR.
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