This is a review I paid my monies for, all £33.99 of them; the kids went without toilet paper and my wife successfully came off crack as a result. The fact that I have Mr Coil Master on speed dial has no influence on what I think. Actually, scrub that, it's Cynthia's Elite S&M Dungeon I have on speed dial - I often get the two confused. Sorry.
View attachment 172116
I've had this for over a month now; it was a total impulse purchase and spurred by seeing
@junglist get something similar out at Vapefest and thinking, '
what kind of twat would have a kit like that?'
I got it from Amazon. I don't know about you but I have an issue with Amazon. On one hand it's a bucketload of total bastard that doesn't pay its taxes and treats employees abysmally. On the other less politically aware hand it delivers shit my family wants the next day. So my issue is that it highlights my rank hypocrisy in all matters that involve me.
My initial reaction was in the realms of '
well, that's a pile of cash I could have spent on a cheeky handjob around the back of the Royal Hotel.'
It's fair to say my opinion has matured - if not my predilection for being pleasured by tramps.
View attachment 172117
1. 1 x Diagonal pliers
2. 1 x Needle-nose pliers
3. 1 x Stainless steel folding scissors
4. 1 x Pen styled Phillips screwdriver
5. 1 x Pen styled Flathead screwdriver
6. 1 x Ceramic Tweezer (T1)
7. 1 x Elbow Tweezer (T3)
8. 1 x 10ft 24GA Kanthel A1 wire
9. 1 x 521 Mini Tab V2
10. 1 x Coiling Kit V4
11. 1 x Silicon rubber case for jigs
12. 1 x T styled HEX screwdriver (◇1.25mm, ◇1.5mm, ◇2.0mm)
13. 1 x Japanese Organic Cotton
View attachment 172118
I needed a new ohmmeter. The rest of the stuff I have in some shape, form or fashion in a plastic box.
Benefit: I no longer spend half an hour hunting around the box contents or the floor looking for that missing thing essential to coiling an atty. Everything is in one place, and I squeeze in a couple of other specialist tools. The case is sturdy and packs away underneath my desk far better than the old box.
Over the last four weeks I've used everything in the case - even the wire during an emergency "W
here've you put my bloody wire-box, woman!" situation.
During this time every single piece of it has acquitted itself in fine fashion - even the scissors are a step up from what I'd been using. Honestly, I wonder how I suffered my old arrangement for years.
So, the simple answer to '
what kind of twat would have a kit like that?' is me. And, if you are a bit of a twat too, you.
Totally recommended.