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Coil Rewicking

Wow, just wow, what an outburst, triggered much ?!?

Ohh @John R my spoons were quite low yesterday, and I spent about 3 hours try to make a certain type of coil, to please an ape. And when I got them where he was wanting them, he told me he would just leave it
Ohh @John R my spoons were quite low yesterday, and I spent about 3 hours try to make a certain type of coil, to please an ape. And when I got them where he was wanting them, he told me he would just leave it

I was hoping you wouldn't mention that, but in my defence I couldn't figure out how to fit them in my eGo carto despite spending hours Googling it.
View attachment 296709 D and D

WTF, are use clowns actually serious about this, or is it part off your double act lol

Where have use two been hiding for the last decade or so. :22:

Obviously use must just be starting out on your vaping journey to come out a total load of BS like that.

I have spent roughly 12 years of my life trying to find the best Vape you can possible get. And Dumb and Dumber are saying I already had it back in in 2012 doing Microcoils with Kanthal round wire 26g. When cotton wicks first came out instead of silica wick. My Arse

Have either of you two A** H**** ever tried to make a complex coil that are so expensive. The price of wire alone not included the time, effort and dedication that’s involved to building a pair of coils is not appreciated. It can roughly take me 2 hours if everything runs smoothly, and to charge a fiver a pair is very reasonable In this day. So if I have to make you a pair off coils I would make less then £2.50 an hour, now that’s criminal.

I was making that kind off money 40 odd years ago as a apprentice Painter and Decorator lol.:)

Anyway Dumb and Dumber try to open you airflow a touch and up your watts to 15w and you might even enjoy the flavour lol clowns:22::22:

This, my friend, is what’s called “going off half cocked.”
We’ve all made mistakes. God knows I have.
However, I’ve seen lots of excuses but, as yet, not the slightest sign of an apology. Bad form that!

I think perhaps @RAPTOREX was being sarcastic.

I'm unsure how that could have been any more clear.:hmm:
He's got the same condition I have, ease up on the reins a bit please :)
At @Reggiec defense, not that he needs me to do it, it takes him a long time to make his coils, yes that's his choice, but its more than just supplying coils for him its about a passion and if you are passionate about something, then your replies may be just as passionate after all the time and effort put in.
All discord aside, can we all just agree that we like a good freshly wicked coil, and that my overly complicated way of cleaning them is the best.
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