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The packs Tazz and I linked to were examples of what you can get. Ni80 is for temp control vaping. Yes that's yet another area for playing, some like TC vaping (its all I use)
Certain wire can only be used in TC and some only in power mode ie kanthal is only for power mode and Ni80 is TC only but then you also have stainless which works in both. I do have a little graphic on the main pc but not near that at the moment so will find it tomorrow and post it here as it shows what wire works in power or tc.
The pack from sr vapes can be either Ni80 or stainless steel, ss is the safest choice unless you know you don't have a nickel allergy?
well that's my brain pickled for now then haha. I really am not planning to dive into temp control (yet) so I think I will get that set in ss and see how I get on with it. as for a nickel allergy, **** knows
SS you can use in wattage or temp mode
NI80 you use in wattage mode and offers a faster ramp up and cool down time compared to kanthal
Kanthal coils are wattage mode
NI90 is temp mode only
NI200 is temp only

I'm sure there is other types of wire but I can't think right now. It's been a long day.
this shows to you the difference between the wire types.


  • Vapewire-Types.-Vape-Coils_preview.jpeg
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The packs Tazz and I linked to were examples of what you can get. Ni80 is for temp control vaping. Yes that's yet another area for playing, some like TC vaping (its all I use)
No. Ni80 is for wattage vaping only...
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