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order a multipack and a few small packs of different wire types and give them a try.
+1 for NI80
Coilology roll of fused clapton lasts a very long time and gives me a perfik vape
Many thanks for your input peeps. I have a mixed set of ni80 coils on the way. lets see what all the fuss is about haha
NiFe30, SS, Ni200 & Ti (Titanium) are the TC wires. Pretty much everything else is wattage including Ni90.
Yep my bad on saying Ni80 was for TC was a long day yesterday and brain was not 100% focused.
Enjoy playing with the coils.
It is all good building your own coils but there is a much better alternative which is buying ready made coils - you choose the metal, you choose the resistance thus still giving you a greater degree of control. Might be slighlty more costly (matter of pence) but your saving alot of time and hassle building one.

Amazon Ready made coils

ive included a link below for Amazon which i find to be cheap and have a lot of products and quick free delivery also helps. Hope this helps.

Dark Vaper
I've started making my own ni80 coils as I bought a single coil Zeus rta and wanted to make sure the coil was wrapped the right way. It is strangely satisfying building your own coils and wicking yourself. The ni80 seems to chuck vapor much faster than the pre made kanthal coils
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