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Comfort Zone


Jun 17, 2015
Do most of you even have one? There seems to be a 'just do it' attitude to coil building, sub ohm'ing, big power etc. (not necessarily here, but the vaping community in general). I feel a little behind the times and not sure I want to catch up sometimes!

So I stepped out of my comfort zone this evening and tried something new with a triple twisted microcoil on my new Lemo Drop.

I know it's not a big deal, especially seeing some of the things that you guys do but for me it's a big change from a year of Genesis.. After a bunch of wicking problems on the Drop I was nearly ready to shelve it for a while, but the triple twisted has changed my mind. Coil comes in at 1.4ohm with 7 wraps, but at 20w with a thick wick everything tastes good and there's plenty of vapour. Thanks to itsher for the wicking tips. It will never become my all day tank as it just doesn't seem to do subtle or work well with a slightly restricted airflow, and still prefer my genny, but there you go.. Just thought I'd share!

It's kind of given me that adventurous feeling though, especially experiencing the taste difference between a regular microcoil and a twisted.. At least I think twisted will be my go to for microcoils from now on. Anyway, not really overly fussed about sub ohm'ing and cloud chasing but just wondering if a Clapton might be worth a try for even better flavour? What is the next step to push me out of my new found comfort zone, and is it worth it? or from this point is it all just more power more vapour?

And what are you guys building that's new to you?
There's as many advocates of 'over ohming' and less power, certainly going by a couple of heated threads no that long ago.

Aye Claptons are worth the time. You can get a really deep flavour on certain juices with one, custards for sure taste more rewarding on a Clapton. 2nd build on my Drop was a Clapton and it was fine enough. Not as good as a Clapton in my Mephisto, but all in all no too bad.
Whilst you can make one by hand, using a drill will make you less frustrated and sweary. :D And there be plenty of places you can just buy a length of premade Clapton wire.

Find twisted coils work great with tobaccos and complex fruits. As good taste as the mesh wick I used once in a dripper. And they are easy to make.
Never had an issue wicking the Drop, cram it in and off you pop. The Lemo 2 however... Grrrr.

But, back on point, out of comfort zone, well building on my Goblins. Making coils with inner diameter of less than 3mm. My fumblethumbs are no used tae this!
technoman don't feel you have to do something just because everyone else is raving about it... I am still a mech mod user.. not buying a new vw temp control box just cause everyone else is.. although I have now seen one I like the look of as it doesn't look like most others... we don't need or want the same things from vaping. .. so why do so many people just follow the herd and end up with what will be for many a less satisfying vaping experience. .. go with the flow... find your own happy spot and forget what everyone else is doing is my suggestion
I see my vaping activity as a personal one, i'm doing what i'm doing & nobody else is doing the same. That is one of great aspects about vaping, everyone gets to tailor it to their individual preference, i think "vaping is not just vaping" .

There's no 1-way of doing things, there is only yours (anyones) ,Sure there are similarities across the general board but really, i just shoot for what suits me & i bet a lot of people wouldn't enjoy my refined vape, i also bet that those people couldn't create it for me.
There's good advice everywhere, fundamentals about how to make good basic coils & about the right amount of cotton, helpful stuff about the position of a coil, it's height, distance from airflow & all that stuff. Those fundamentals apply to all of us in some way but with all the different gear out here now it still has to be fine tuned by the individual end user & one might not like it the same as anyone else. I see nothing to follow trend wise, only practically.
My focus has always been on achieving a sustainably enjoyable vape & then simplifying that with a view to keeping it sustainable, both financially for a long term & practically, i've better things to do with my day than be winding bits of wire around screwdrivers as life passes me by so my set up is simple to maintain.

All that custom coil building & high vw mod stuff, if you're convinced by that & it gives you enjoyment & if you have the wallet for it then i say good luck, go & enjoy it all. I'll stay in my trusted comfort zone where i'm content & happy with either a micro coil or a standard wrap & a few sheets of ss mesh, my vaping has only advanced to a refined version of what it was when i started over a year & a half ago, it's run full circle & now come back but just with better quality gear. I won't be chasing anything other than my own targets & nor should you (anyone) . The notion that a new higher powered device unlike previous ones is a 'step forward' or that it's 'better' is dead to me, they can hang a thousand mods in my face & i'll still only like what i like.
The only tech i see that can improve on my existing activity is safe batteries with higher mah ratings.

If your atty is well designed, if you create a good build, if the liquid has flavour you like, if you use the right power under it, if the air flow is the right measure in the right place, you will get that good consistent vape... IF that's what you want ! No amount of custom coiling & wattage messing will change those fundamentals imo. In fact i even think.... Nah, better not say ;)
I hope you guys haven't got the wrong end of my post.. I'm not interested in keeping up with trends 'just because' and don't want to build sub ohm steam machines because someone uploaded a fog machine video. Actually the point of my post was quite the opposite, I'm looking for ways to experiment, have some fun and explore coil building to maybe find something that I prefer to use for my everyday device. nikki from mars your post is very valid in all walks of life and couldn't agree more!
vaporsizer, you've pretty much described my time spent vaping and also my personal opinions on maintaining and improving the set up I like. What you say about new technology is spot on, and more MaH is definitely more important to me than more power hence the mvp3.. Simple, works, and lasts me 3 days at a stretch.

However the main reason I posted is because although I don't want to buy tons of tanks, drippers and batteries to keep up with the times and trends, I am interested in trying a few different and interesting coil builds to see if there are any big advantages which in over a year is something I'd never done.

So far I've found the twisted 32 is better than the regular 28 micro as far as flavour and overall feeling, and seeing as coils and wicks are a relatively cheap venture it's encouraged me to try others to find what I like and what works best in my set up, exactly as you've said..

As you've said you have your comfort zone, I think we all do.. I'm glad I pushed mine a bit because it's opened up a world of better flavour in my Lemo which was sorely missing!

Thanks all :)
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technoman not at all.. I enjoy experimenting with things as well... possibly different things than most... I enjoy some set ups that are not very popular and although I keep my coil building simple and minimalist as I am not very technical I enjoy playing around with new flavours and mixing... I think for all of us that posted on this thread and people like oldhippydude etc we have found our own path through what we like... sometimes stepping off that path is fun... but who wants to travel on the main road with everyone else? I certainly don't. ..
@technoman All cool mate, your vape is your vape alone, you do what is necessary. I've no issue with any kind of vape or route, i just have my bijou mentality for mine ;) I can't fit everything into the box !
I only use regulated mods and the steam engine calc so for me its all just bits of coiled wire.

Nickel is a pig to use so I guess that would be the limits of my comfort zone for now...
I'm boring. Dual 26 awg kanthal wrapped around a 2mm screwdriver 7 times each. 0.4ohms. Vape at 50 watts for 4.4 volts. Easy.
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