I'm even more impressed with it in b/f iteration, it's equally at home with single coil MTL as it is dual coil lung hits. My only annoyance is how tricky it can be to dual coil - hopefully the velocity style deck will be along soon.Wouldn't expect anything else from the eden boys would you,Andy thinks about stuff
I'm even more impressed with it in b/f iteration, it's equally at home with single coil MTL as it is dual coil lung hits. My only annoyance is how tricky it can be to dual coil - hopefully the velocity style deck will be along soon.
€70 + post guys,im all over that 26550 at my resistance with next to voltage drop be 2 days vaping
I'm in. Any idea of a release date?
Next Sunday it is then. 200 group members / 20 mods is a 10% chance.
Can't grumble at that - although I sense butt hurt coming on.