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Competition time Stromboli

Would like to thank @julesvapes for the comp win.

I have now received 4 x 30ml of fog range. 2 x squirrel juice, 1 x screaming witch and 1 x drunken monkey.

I have tried the drunken monkey on the kbox at 80 watts using a buddah mini.

Deffo reminds me of the banana sweets from the sweet shop, but only nicer! Get a nice hint of cream on inhale and emense amlunts of sweet banana sweets (not ripe banana) on exhale, specially if exhaled through the nose. Vape production is very high with deffo no loss of flavour.

Would i recommend this flavour? Yes.
All day vape: yes, its very nice with no throat harshness
Cloud production i would say 8/10.
Flavour 9/10. Best exact to the description flavour ive tried

Recommend this flavour? 100% yes

When i try the others i will post my opinion
Just wanted to let you know... I finally got my juice today. It wasn't even mailed until the 6th of this month. I was originaly notified that I had won the drawing on the 3d of March. I was assured by the folks at Jules Vapes that the order was filled on the 4th of March, but the postage clearly states 06/04/16.

The Drunken Monkey is quite tasty. It will make a great all day vape. The Squirrel Juice is very nice too (and I'm not that into coffee). The Screamin Witch I thought I'd hate, but it's growing on me. I think it mite taste better from a tank (I've only tried it in a dripper so far).

Overall, the flavors are very well done, but all the problems I had to deal with in order to get it have tainted any chance I would ever have of buying from this company or referring anyone to them!

I'd like to thank Planet Of The Vapes and Jules Vapes very much for all the effort and extra expense involved with sending the juices stateside. A little customer service goes a long way...


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